Wirpo Katalogy
Wirpo Katalogy
ELGA_katalog přídavných materiálů_2013
Přehled svařovacích materiálů ELGA
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WELDINGCONSUMABLESfor the professionalswww.elga.seWELDERS’FAVOURITESINCE 1938Page 2
Visit our website for all the latestnews and product information.Find the right consumablesfor your application with oursuperfast search engine.www.elga.sePage 3
WELDERS’ FAVOURITESINCE 1938Elga has been renowned for be-ing the most demanding welders’choice ever since the very begin-ning. Starting as a family companyin Gothenburg, Sweden, we havegrown into a major supplier ofconsumables for the toughest and most challenging end-use welding areas. Today, we support welders acrossthe globe with reliable consumables, equipment andknow-how. As part of the global ITW group, we have theexpertise and resources to continuously improve weld-ing quality as well as productivity.Welcome to our world!Page 4
75 YEARSOF INNOVATIONInnovation has been the main threadthrough the company’s history. Oneexample is the development of coredwire in the mid 1980s, an area in whichElga took the lead from the start andstill remains a driving force. The latestdevelopment stage is the outstand-ing Cromacore LDX flux cored wire forLDX steel.MADE FOR THE ROUGHESTENVIRONMENTSFrom the very beginning, we havesupplied the most demanding indus-tries with forefront welding technology.That is why you will find welds fromElga consumables in constructionsexposed to extreme conditions. Closecollaboration with our customers hasalways been an integral part of thedevelopment process. This has givenus deep insights into the professionalwelders’ world for a great variety ofend-use areas such as heavy vehiclesand equipment, shipbuilding and off-shore, steel structures and energy, pa-per and pulp, process piping, etc.It all began with the development and manufacture of electricand gas welding equipment for Sweden’s engineering industry.Since then, Elga has continuously developed effective prod-ucts for applications characterised by high demands on boththe welder and the filler material.Steel structures on- and offshore, heavyequipment, power plants and processpiping are typical end-use areas.Page 5
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IMPROVING YOURWELDING PERFORMANCEWhether you need advice to find theright consumable for a specific mate-rial or on-site training to introduce newmethods, contact our technical exper-tise. Our welding engineers have deepknowledge of welding technology andbroad practical experience from thewelder’s everyday work. The supportteam is ready to assist you with con-sultancy, training and problem solvingat your premises.Profitability Tracker is our tool to op-timize your welding productivity bytracking key factors and finding weakspots. We make a thorough analysisfrom joint preparation and joint an-gles to fillet throat thickness, wire feedand postweld dressing. The outcomeis a proposed action plan compris-ing aims, product recommendations,training programmes, etc. The Profit-ability Tracker has helped many largeand small companies to reduce theirtotal costs and improve both produc-tivity and working environment.By developing products and methods that providemaximum uptime and weld quality, we contribute ac-tively to improve your welding economy.Qualified personal support and trainingon-site, by phone and online.Page 8
A TIGPAC FOREVERY NEEDTIGPAC 500Minimize the risk of mixing steelalloy grades with our colour cod-ed 500 mm TIG rods. They comein the convenient TigPac 500package with transparent sleevesof four in four kg boxes.500 mm length ensures good rodmanipulation and welding access.By using Elga’s colour coded TIGrods you will live up to the de-mands of colour coding in the off-shore standard NORSOK M-601,Welding and inspection of piping.TIGPAC 1000The new TigPac 1000 is a practi-cal, convenient tube for 1000 mmTIG rods. It contains your rods forwelding of aluminium, stainlessand carbon steel.ELGA TIGPAC 500 / 1000Page 9
ELGA PROPACTHE ROBOT’SBEST FRIENDWhen shifting to ProPac in yourrobotised or mechanised weldingdowntime for spool changes canbe reduced by up to 90 % (250 kgProPac compared to 15 kg stand-ard spool). Time you can convertinto increased arc time factor andimproved productivity. ProPacalso extends the wire feed unit’slifetime. The force needed to pullout the wire from ProPac is con-siderably less than rotating astandard spool, thus causingless strain on the wire feedunit and drive motor.Significantly reduced spoolchanges also improve thequality thanks to fewer re-jects associated withwelding process inter-ruptions. The physicalproperties of the coiledwire in ProPac means that italways exits the welding torchstraight, providing excellent,reliable seam tracking. Unlikespools, the wire in ProPac is al-ways fully protected from mois-ture, dirt, dust, etc., which cancause welding problems.And last but not least, ProPac isfully recyclable and can be foldedfor easy disposal and recycling.Page 10
ELGA DRYPACDRY ELECTRODESIN ANY WEATHERWith DryPac you can rest assuredthat the electrodes are dry whenyou need them. They are vacuumpacked in factory dry conditionsand come in a moisture controlledpaper tray. The package is reseal-able with a new kind of tape thatprovides extra protection for elec-trodes left in an opened DryPac.The outer pack is made of corru-gated cardboard and the openingon top is easy to fold back, whichcontributes to easy storage andhandling. All DryPac packagingcomponents are of course fullyrecyclable.Page 11
99Product programme ..........................................................................................10Electrodes for MMA welding of ferritic steelsRutile coated electrodes for welding mild and medium tensile steels ..... 21Basic coated electrodes for welding mild and medium tensile steels......29Basic coated low alloy electrodes for welding high tensile, lowtemperature and creep resisting steels ................................................... 41Electrodes for MMA welding of stainless steels and Ni-base alloys ..................55Electrodes for MMA welding for maintenance and repair ..................................87Cored wires for welding of ferritic steels; Unalloyed ........................................95Rutile .................................................................................................... 101Metal Core ............................................................................................102Cored wires for welding of ferritic steels; Low alloyed ................................... 107Rutile .................................................................................................... 107Metal Core ............................................................................................112Core wires for welding of stainless steels .......................................................117Solid wires for gas shielded welding of ferritic steels .....................................133Solid wires for gas shielded welding of stainless steels and Ni-base alloys .... 147Solid wires for gas shielded welding of aluminium alloys ............................... 167TIG rods for welding of ferritic steels ..............................................................175TIG rods for welding of stainless steels and Ni-base alloys ............................191Tig rods for welding of aluminium alloys ........................................................213Wires and fluxes for submerged arc welding of mild, non-alloyed steels ........221Wires and fluxes for submerged arc welding of high tensile, low temperatureand creep resistant steels ..............................................................................227Wires and fluxes for submerged arc welding of stainless steels & Ni-basealloys .............................................................................................................233Strips and fluxes for electroslag strip cladding with stainless and Ni-basealloys .............................................................................................................239Other products ................................................................................................ 243Technical information contents .......................................................................249ContentsPage 12
10Electrodes for MMA welding of ferritic steelsProduct EN ISO AWS PageMild and carbon-manganese steels - Normal metal recoveryP 43 EN ISO 2560-A E 42 0 R 12 A5.1 E 601322P 45S EN ISO 2560-A E 42 0 RC 11 A5.1 E 601323P 47 EN ISO 2560-A E 46 4 B 12 H5 A5.1 E 7016-130P 47D EN ISO 2560-A E 42 2 B 12 H10 A5.1 E 701631P 48M EN ISO 2560-A E 42 5 B 42 H5 A5.1 E 7018-1H432P 48S EN ISO 2560-A E 42 4 B 42 H5 A5.1 E 7018-1H433P 48P EN ISO 2560-A E 46 2 B 12 H5 A5.1 E 7018-H834P 51 EN ISO 2560-A E 46 4 B 32 H5 A5.1 E 7018-1H835P 52T EN ISO 2560-A E 42 2 B 35 H5 A5.1 E 7048-H436P 54 EN ISO 2560-A E 46 2 B 35 H5 A5.1 E 7048-H437Mild and carbon-manganese steels - High recoveryMaxeta 5 EN ISO 2560-A E 42 2 RA 73 A5.1 E 702724Maxeta 10 EN ISO 2560-A E 42 0 RR 53 A5.1 E 702425Maxeta 11 EN ISO 2560-A E 42 0 RR 73 A5.1 E 702426Maxeta 16 EN ISO 2560-A E 42 0 RR 73 A5.1 E 702427Maxeta 20 EN ISO 2560-A E 42 2 RB 53 H10 A5.1 E 702838Maxeta 21 EN ISO 2560-A E 42 4 B 73 H5 A5.1 E 702839Maxeta 22 EN ISO 2560-A E 42 3 B 74 H10 A5.1 E 702840Low alloyed steels - Normal metal recoveryP 62MR EN ISO 2560-A E 46 5 1Ni B 32 H5 A5.5 E 7018-G/(E 8018-G)42P 63MR EN ISO 2560-A E 46 5 1Ni B 32 H5 A5.5 E 7018-C3L43P 65MR EN ISO 2560-A E 50 6 Mn1Ni B32 H5 A5.5 E 8018-G44P 48K EN ISO 2560-A E 46 6 2Ni B 32 H5 A5.5 E 8018-C145P 58K A5.5 E 7018-C2L46P 4130 A5.5 ~E 10018-D247P 110MR EN ISO 18275-A ~E 69 6Mn2NiCrMoB32H5 A5.5 ~E 11018-G48P 81CR EN ISO 3580 E Mo B 42 H5 A5.5 E 7018-A151P 83CR EN ISO 3580 E CrMo1 B 42 H5 A5.5 E 8018-B252P 84CR EN ISO 3580 E CrMo2 B 42 H5 A5.5 E 9018-B353Low alloyed steels - High recoveryMaxeta 24 EN ISO 2560-A E 46 5 1Ni B 53 H5 A5.5 ~E 7018-G49Maxeta 110 EN ISO 18275-A E 69 5 Mn2NiMo B73 H5 A5.5 ~E 11018-G50Product programmePage 13
11Electrodes for MMA welding of stainless steels and Ni-base alloysProduct EN ISO AWS PageCromarod 308L EN ISO 3581-A E 19 9 LR 12 A5.4 E 308L-1756Cromarod 308LP EN ISO 3581-A E 19 9 LR 11 A5.4 E 308L-1757Cromarod B308L EN ISO 3581-A E 19 9 LB 42 A5.4 E 308L-1558Cromarod 308H EN ISO 3581-A E 19 9 R 12 A5.4 E 308H-1759Cromarod 347 EN ISO 3581-A E 19 9 Nb R 12 A5.4 ~E 347-1760Cromarod B347 EN ISO 3581-A E 19 9 Nb B 42 A5.4 E 347-1561Cromarod 316L EN ISO 3581-A E 19 12 3 L R 12 A5.4 E 316L-1762Cromarod 316LP EN ISO 3581-A E 19 12 3 L R 11 A5.4 E 316L-1763Cromarod 316LV EN ISO 3581-A E 19 12 3 L R 15 A5.4 E 316L-1764Cromarod 316L-140 EN ISO 3581-A E 19 12 3 L R 53 A5.4 E 316L-1765Cromarod B316L EN ISO 3581-A E 19 12 3 L B 42 A5.4 E 316L-1566Cromarod 318 EN ISO 3581-A E 19 12 3 Nb R12 A5.4 ~E 318-1767Cromarod 309L EN ISO 3581-A E 23 12 L R 12 A5.4 E 309L-1768Cromarod B309L EN ISO 3581-A E 23 12 LB 42 A5.4 E 309L-1569Cromarod B309LNb EN ISO 3581-A E 23 12 Nb B 42 A5.4 ~E 309Nb-1570Cromarod 309MoL EN ISO 3581-A E 23 12 2 L R 32 A5.4 E 309MoL-1771Cromarod 309MoLP EN ISO 3581-A E 23 12 2 LR 11 A5.4 E 309MoL-1772Cromarod 310 EN ISO 3581-A ~E 25 20 R 12 A5.4 ~E 310-1773Cromarod 312 EN ISO 3581-A 1600 E 29 9 R 32 A5.4 ~E 312-1774Cromarod 253 - -75Cromarod LDX EN ISO 3581-A ~ E 23 7 NL R 1276Cromarod Duplex EN ISO 3581-A E 22 93 N L R 12 A5.4 ~E 2209-1777Cromarod Duplex LP EN ISO 3581-A E 22 93 N L R 12 A5.4 E 2209-1778Cromarod Duplex-140 EN ISO 3581-A E 22 93 N L R 53 A5.4 ~E 2209-1779Cromarod Duplex B EN ISO 3581-A E 22 93 N L B 42 A5.4 E 2209-1580Cromarod 2507R EN ISO 3581-A E 25 9 4 N L R 12 A5.4 E 2594-1781Cromarod 2507B EN ISO 3581-A E 25 9 4 N L B 12 A5.4 E 2594-1582Cromarod 383 EN ISO 3581-A E 27 314 Cu L R 12 A5.4 E 383-1783Cromarod 385 EN ISO 3581-A E 20 25 5 Cu N L R 12 A5.4 ~E 385-1784Cromarod 82 14172- E Ni 6182 A5.11 E NiCrFe-385Cromarod 625 14172- E Ni 6625 A5.11 E NiCrMo-386Product programmePage 14
12Electrodes for MMA welding for maintenance and repairProduct EN ISO AWS PageElgaloy Hard 30 E Fe1 -88Elgaloy Hard 60 E Z Fe2 -89Elgaloy Hard 100 E Fe14 -90Elgaloy Mix 18 3581-A E18 8 6 Mn R 53 A5.4 ~E 307-2691Elgaloy Mix 18B 3581-A E18 8 Mn B 1292Elgaloy Cast-Ni 1071 E Ni-Cl3 A5.15-90 E Ni-CI93Elgaloy Cast-NiFe 1071 E NiFe-Cl A5.15-90 E NiFe-CI94Cored wires for welding of ferritic steels; UnalloyedProduct EN ISO AWS PageRutileElgacore DWA 50 17632-A T 42 2 P M 1 H5 A5.20 E 71T-1M96Elgacore DWX 50 17632-A T 42 2 P C/M 1 H5 A5.20 E 71T-1/ -1M97Elgacore DWA 52F 17632-A T 42 2 R M 1 H5 A5.20 E 71T-1M98Elgacore DWA 55E 17632-A T 46 4 P M 1 H5 A5.20 E 71T-9MJ99Elgacore DW 588 17632-A T 50 0 Z P C 1 H10 A5.29 E 81T1-W2100BasicElgacore DWA 51B 17632-A T 42 2 B M 1 H5 A5.20 E 71T-5MJ101Metal CoreElgacore MXA 100 17632-A T 42 4 M M 3 H5 A5.18 E 70C-6M102Elgacore MXX 100 17632-A T 42 2 M M/C 1 H5 A5.18 E 70C-6M/ -6C103Elgacore MXA 100LF 17632-A T 42 2 M M 1 H5 A5.18 E 70C-6M104Elgacore MXA 100XP 17632-A T 46 4 M M 1 H5 A5.18 E 70C-6M105Elgacore MX 100T 17632-A T 42 2 M M/C 1 H5 A5.18 E 70C-6M/ -6C106Product programmePage 15
13Cored wires for welding of ferritic steels; Low alloyedProduct EN ISO AWS PageRutileElgacore DWA 55Ni1 17632-A T 46 6 1Ni P M 2 H5 A5.29 E 81T1-Ni1MJ108Elgacore DWA 55L 17632-A T 46 6 1,5Ni P M 1 H5 A5.29 E 81T1-K2M109Elgacore DWA 55LSR 17632-A T 46 6 Z P M 1 H5 A5.29 E 81T1-Ni1M110Elgacore DWA 65L 18276-A T 55 4 Z P M 2 H5 A5.29 E 91T1-K2MJ111Elgacore DWA 65Ni1Mo 18276-A T 65 5 Mn1NiMo P M 2 H5 A5.29 E 101Ti-GM113Elgacore R690 18276-A T 69 4 Z P M 2 H5 A5.29 E 111T1-GM-H4114Metal CoreElgacore MXA 55T 17632-A T 46 6 1,5Ni M M 1 H5 A5.28 E 80C-G112Elgacore M690 18276-A T 69 6 Mn2,5Ni M M 3 H5 A5.28 E 110C-G-H4115Cored wires for welding of stainless steelsProduct EN ISO AWS PageCromacore DW 308L 17633-A T 19 9L R M/C 3 A5.22 E 308LT0-4/ -1118Cromacore DW 308LP 17633-A T 19 9L P M/C 1 A5.22 E 308LT1-4/ -1119Cromacore DW 347 17633-A T 19 9 Nb R M/C 3 A5.22 E 347T0-4/-1120Cromacore DW 316L 17633-A T 19 12 3L R M/C 3 A5.22 E 316LT0-4/ -1121Cromacore DW 316LP 17633-A T 19 12 3L P M/C 1 A5.22 E 316LT1-4/ -1122Cromacore DW 309L 17633-A T 23 12L R M/C 3 A5.22 E 309LT0-4/ -1123Cromacore DW 309LP 17633-A T 23 12L P M/C 1 A5.22 E 309LT1-4/ -1125Cromacore DW 309MoL 17633-A T 23 12 2L R M/C 3 A5.22 E 309LMoT0-4/ -1124Cromacore DW 309MoLP 17633-A T 23 12 2L P M/C 1 A5.22 E 309LMoT1-4/ -1126Cromacore DW 309LNb A5.22 E 309 LCbT1-1/4127Cromacore LDX P128Cromacore DW 329A Duplex 17633-A T 22 9 3 N L R M/C 3 A5.22 E 2209T0-4/ -1129Cromacore DW 329AP Duplex 17633-A T 22 9 3 N L P M/C 1 A5.22 E 2209T1-4/ -1130Cromacore 2507 17633-A A5.22 E2594T1-4/-1131Cromacore 625 P 12153 T Ni 6625 P M 2 A5.34 ENiCrMo3T1-4132Product programmePage 16
14Solid wires for gas shielded welding of ferritic steelsProduct EN ISO AWS PageElgamatic 100 14341-A G 42 2 (C) M G3Si1 A5.18 ER70S-6134Elgamatic 103 14341-A G 46 (2) 4 (C) M G4Si1 A5.18 ER70S-6135Elgamatic 135 16834 G 69 4 Mn3Ni1CrMo A5.28 ER100S-G136Elgamatic 138 16834 G Mn4Ni2CrMo A5.28 ER120S-G137Elgamatic 140 A5.28 ER80S-G138Elgamatic 147 16834 G Mn3NiCrMo A5.28 ER100S-G139Elgamatic 148K 14341-A G 46 6 M G2Ni2 A5.28 ER80S-Ni2140Elgamatic 162 14341-A G 46 6 M G3Ni1 A5.28 ER80S-Ni1141Elgamatic 181CR 21952-A G MoSi A5.28 ER70S-A1142Elgamatic 183CR 21952-A G CrMo1Si143Elgamatic 183B2 A5.28 ER80S-B2144Elgamatic 184CR A5.28 ER90S-B3145Solid wires for maintenance and repairProduct EN AWS PageElgaloy Hard M60 14700 S Fe8146Product programmePage 17
15Solid wires for gas shielded welding of stainless steels and Ni-basealloysProduct EN ISO AWS PageCromamig 308LSi 14343 G 19 9 LSi A5.9 ER308LSi148Cromamig 308H 14343 G 19 9 H A5.9 ER308H149Cromamig 347Si 14343 G 19 9 Nb Si A5.9 ER347Si150Cromamig 316L 14343 G 19 12 3 L A5.9 ER316L151Cromamig 316LSi 14343 G 19 12 3 LSi A5.9 ER316LSi152Cromamig 317L 14343 G 19 13 4 L A5.9 ERV317L153Cromamig 318Si 14343 G 19 12 3 Nb Si A5.9 ~ER318154Cromamig 309LSi 14343 G 23 12 LSi A5.9 ER309LSi155Cromamig 309MoL 14343 G 23 12 2 A5.9 ~ER309MoL156Cromamig 310 14343 G 25 20 A5.9 ER310157Cromamig 312 14343 G 29 9 A5.9 ER312158Cromamig 307Si 14343 G 18 8 Mn Si A5.9 ~ER307Si159Cromamig LDX 14343 23 7 NL160Cromamig Duplex 14343 G 22 9 3 LN A5.9 ER2209161Cromamig 2507 14343 G 25 9 4 LN162Cromamig 385 14343 G 20 25 5 Cu LN A5.9 ER385163Cromamig 82 18274 S Ni 6082 (NiCr20Mn3Nb) A5.14 ERNiCr-3164Cromamig 625 18274 S Ni 6625 (NiCr22Mo9Nb) A5.14 ERNiCrMo-3165Solid wires for gas shielded welding of aluminium alloysProduct EN ISO AWS PageAlumig 99.5 18273 S Al 1450 (Al99.5Ti)168Alumig Si5 18273 S AI 4043 (AISi5) A5.10 ER 4043169Alumig Si12 18273 S Al 4047 (AlSi12(A)) A5.10 ER 4047170Alumig Mg3 18273 S Al 5754 (AlMg3) A5.10 ER 5754171Alumig Mg5 18273 S AI 5356 (AIMg5Cr) A5.10 ER 5356172Alumig Mg4.5 Mn 18273 S AI 5183 (AIMg4.5Mn) A5.10 ER 5183173Alumig Mg5 Mn 18273 S Al 5556A (5556 AlMg5Mn) A5.10 ER 5556174Product programmePage 18
16TIG rods for welding of ferritic steelsProduct EN ISO AWS PageElgatig 100 636-A W 46 2 W3Si1 A5.18 ER70S-6176Elgatig 101 636-A W 42 2 W2Si A5.18 ER70S-3177Elgatig 115 636 W 42 2 W2Ti A5.18 ER70S-2178Elgatig 135 16834 W 69 4 Mn3Ni1CrMo A5.28 ER100S-G179Elgatig 162 636-A W 46 6 W3Ni1 A5.28 ER80S-Ni1180Elgatig 148K 636 W 46 6 W2Ni2 A5.28 ER80S-Ni2181Elgatig 181CR 21952-A W MoSi A5.28 ER70S-A1182Elgatig 181D2 A5.28 ER80S-D2183Elgatig 183CR 21952 W CrMo1Si A5.28 ER80S-G184Elgatig 183B2 A5.28 ER80S-B2185Elgatig 184CR 21952 W CrMo2Si A5.28 ER90S-G186Elgatig 184B3 A5.28 ER90S-B3187Elgatig 185CR 21952 W CrMo5Si188Elgatig CuNi70-30 24373 CuNi30 Cu7158 A5.7-84ERCuNi189Product programmePage 19
17TIG rods for welding of stainless steels and Ni-base alloysProduct EN ISO AWS PageCromatig 308L 14343 W 19 9 L A5.9 ER308L192Cromatig 308LSi 14343 W 19 9 LSi A5.9 ER308LSi193Cromatig 308H 14343 W 19 9 H A5.9 ER308H194Cromatig 347Si 14343 W 19 9 NbSi A5.9 ER347Si195Cromatig 316L 14343 W 19 12 3 L A5.9 ER316L196Cromatig 316LSi 14343 W 19 12 3 LSi A5.9 ER316LSi197Cromatig 316H 14343 W 19 12 3 H A5.9 ER316H198Cromatig 317L 14343 W 19 13 4 L A5.9 ER317L199Cromatig 318Si 14343 W 19 12 3 Nb Si A5.9 ~ER318200Cromatig 309L 14343 W 23 12 L A5.9 ER309L201Cromatig 309LSi 14343 W 23 12 LSi A5.9 ER309LSi202Cromatig 309MoL 14343 W 23 12 2 L A5.9 ~ER309LMo203Cromatig 310 14343 W 25 20 A5.9 ER310204Cromatig 312 14343 W 29 9 A5.9 ER312205Cromatig 307Si 14343 W 18 8 Mn A5.9 ~ER307206Cromatig LDX 14343 23 7 NL207Cromatig Duplex 14343 W 22 9 3 LN A5.9 ER2209208Cromatig 2507 14343 W 25 9 4 LN209Cromatig 385 14343 W 20 25 5 Cu L A5.9 ~ER385210Cromatig 82 18274 SNi6082 (NiCr20Mn3Nb) A5.14 ERNiCr3211Cromatig 625 18274 SNi 6625 (NiCr22Mo9Nb) A5.14 ERNiCrMo-3212Product programmePage 20
18TIG rods for welding of aluminium alloysProduct EN ISO AWS PageAlutig 99.5 18273 S Al 1450 (Al99.5Ti)214Alutig Si5 18273 S AI4043A (AISi5) A5.10 ER 4043215Alutig Si12 18273 S Al 4047 (AlSi12(A)) A5.10 ER 4047216Alutig Mg3 18273 S Al 5754 (AlMg3) A5.10 ER 5754217Alutig Mg5 18273 S AI5356 (AIMg5Cr) A5.10 ER 5356218Alutig Mg4.5 Mn 18273 S AI5183 (AIMg4.5Mn) A5.10 ER 5183219Alutig Mg5 Mn 18273 S Al 5556A (5556 AlMg5Mn) A5.10 ER 5556220Wires and fluxes for submerged arc welding of mild, non-alloyedsteelsProduct EN ISO AWS PageElgasaw 101 EN ISO 14171-A S1 A5.17 EL12222Elgasaw 102 EN ISO 14171-A S2 A5.17 EM 12222Elgasaw 102Si EN ISO 14171-A S2Si A5.17 EM12K222Elgasaw 103Si EN ISO 14171-A S3Si A5.17 EH12K222Elgasaw 104 EN ISO 14171-A S4 A5.17 EH14222Elgaflux 211R EN ISO 14174-A SA AR 1 76 AC H5223Elgaflux 251B EN ISO 14174-A SA AB 1 87 ACH5224Elgaflux 285B EN ISO 14174-A SA AB 1 67 AC H5225Elgaflux 500B EN ISO 14174-A SA FB 1 55 AC H5226Product programmePage 21
19Wires and fluxes for submerged arc welding of high tensile, lowtemperature and creep resistant steelsProduct EN ISO AWS PageElgasaw 102Mo EN ISO 14171-A S2MO A5.23 EA2228Elgasaw 103Mo EN ISO 14171-A S3Mo A5.23 EA4228Elgasaw 104Mo EN ISO 14171-A S4Mo A5.23 EA3228Elgasaw 103Ni1Mo1/4 EN ISO 14171-A SZ A5.23 EG228Elgasaw 103Ni1Mo EN ISO 14171-A S3Ni1M0 A5.23 EG228Elgasaw 103NiCrMo2.5 EN ISO 14171-A SZ A5.23 EG228Elgasaw 102Ni1 EN ISO 14171-A S2Ni1 A5.23 ENi1228Elgasaw 102Ni2 EN ISO 14171-A S2Ni2 A5.23 ENi2228Elgasaw EB2R EN ISO 24598-A SCrMo1 A5.23 EB2R228Elgasaw EB3R EN ISO 24598-A SCrMo2 A5.23 EB3R228Elgaflux 285B EN ISO 14174-A SA AB 1 67 AC H5229Elgaflux 500B EN ISO 14174-A SA FB 1 55 AC H5230Elgaflux 400B EN ISO 14174-A SA FB 1 55 AC H5231Wires and fluxes for submerged arc welding of stainless steels &Ni-base alloysProduct EN ISO AWS PageCromasaw 308L 14343-A S 19 9 L A5.9 ER 308L239Cromasaw 308H 14343 S 19 9 H A5.9 ER 308H239Cromasaw 347 14343 S 19 9 Nb A5.9 ER 347239Cromasaw 316L 14343 S 19 12 3 L A5.9 ER 316L239Cromasaw 317L 14343 S 19 13 4L A5.9 ER 317L239Cromasaw 318 14343 S 19 12 3 Nb A5.9 ER 318239Cromasaw 309L 14343 S 23 12 L A5.9 ER 309 L239Cromasaw 309MoL 14343 S 23 12 2 L (A5.9 ER 309MoL)239Cromasaw 310 14343 S 25 20 A5.9 ER 310239Cromasaw Duplex 14343 S 22 9 3 NL A5.9 ER 2209239Cromasaw 2507 14343 S 25 9 4 NL A5.9 ER 2594239Cromasaw 82 A5.9 ER NiCr-3239Croamsaw 625 A5.9 ER NiCrMo-3239Cromaflux 300B EN ISO 14174-A S A FB 2 DC H5236Cromaflux 380 EN ISO 14174-A S F CS 2 DC H5237Page 22
20Strips and fluxes for electroslag strip cladding with stainless andNi-base alloysProduct EN ISO AWS/SFA PageCromastrip 308L 14343-A B 19 9 L A5.9 EQ 308L240Cromastrip 347L 14343-A B 19 9 Nb A5.9 EQ 347240Cromastrip 316L 14343-A B 19 9 12 3 L A5.9 EQ 316L240Cromastrip 317L 14343-A B 19 13 4L A5.9 EQ 317L240Cromastrip 309L 14343-A B 23 12 L A5.9 EQ 309L240Cromastrip 309LNb 14343-A B 23 12 Nb A5.9 (EQ 309LNb)240Cromastrip 21.11.L 14343-A B 22 12 L A5.9 (EQ 309L)240Cromastrip 21.11.LNb 14343-A B 22 12 LNb A5.9 (EQ 347L)240Cromastrip 21.13.3L 14343-A (B 23 12 2 L) A5.9 (EQ 309LMo)240Cromastrip 82 A5.9 EQNiCr3240Cromastrip 625 A5.9 EQNiCrMo-3240Cromaflux 480 ESC 14174 ES A FB 2B 5644 DC241Cromaflux 450 ESC 14174 ES A FB 2B 5644 DC241Cromaflux 650 ESC 14174 ES A FB 2B 5644 DC241Page 23
2121Rutile coated electrodes for weldingmild and medium tensile steelsP 43 ..................................................................22P 45S ................................................................23Maxeta 5 ...........................................................24Maxeta 10 .........................................................25Maxeta 11 .........................................................26Maxeta 16 ........................................................27Page 24
22Classification:AWS A5.1E 6013EN ISO 2560-A E 42 0 R 12Description:P 43 is a medium-coated rutile electrode intended for welding light to medium sections in mild steel.The electrode operates with a very smooth arc and is suitable for all positions except vertical down. Itis easy to strike and re-strike and produces a self-detaching slag leaving a finely rippled beadappearance. With its excellent bead surface and smooth transition with the base material P 43 isideal for butt and fillet welding of sheet metal work.Coating type:RutileMetal recovery:95%Welding positions:Welding current:DC+/-, AC OCV≥50 VFor root passes: DC-Redrying temperature:90 °C, 2hChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Re: 480 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 550 MPaElongation, A5 24%Impact energy, CV:0 °C•50 JApprovals:LRCEDNVProduct data 2,5 350 7143250055-100 23 0,62 81 0,83,2 450 7143320075-140 23 0,67 36 1,23,2 350 7143323575-140 23 0,67 48 1,24,0 450 71434000110-190 25 0,64 26 1,75,0 450 71435000140-265 29 0,65 16 2,7Page 25
23Classification:EN ISO 2560-AE 42 0 RC 11AWS A5.1 E 6013Description:P 45S is a multi-purpose rutile-cellulosic coated electrode suitable for a wide application range in mildsteel. The electrode is fully positional, including vertical down and welds with a crisp, steady arc toproduce a smooth bead surface with good slag detachability. It is relatively insensitive to rust, dirt andsurface coatings. Together with its ability to bridge gaps, the general versatility of P 45S makes itideal for both shop and site fabrication.Coating type:Rutile-cellulosicMetal recovery:90%Welding positions:Welding current:DC+/-, AC OCV≥50 VFor root passes: DC-Redrying temperature:90 °C, 2hChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Re: 470 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 550 MPaElongation, A5 24%Impact energy, CV:0 °C•50 JApprovals:CEBVLRMRSABSDNVGLProduct data 2,0 300 7145200040-80 24 0,7 139 0,42,5 350 7145250070-100 25 0,7 78 0,83,2 350 7145320090-145 25 0,7 48 1,24,0 350 71454000120-195 25 0,7 33 1,75,0 450 71455000180-270 26 0,75 21 2,3Page 26
24Classification:AWS A5.1E 7027EN ISO 2560-A E 42 2 RA 73Description:Maxeta 5 is an acid-rutile iron powder electrode with 160% recovery, intended for the welding ofgeneral construction steels in the horizontal and horizontal-vertical positions. The electrode isdesigned to give a fast burn-off rate enabling the user to make extended run lengths and therebyproduce small fillet welds at high deposition rates.It is particularly recommended for plate where the surface has been treated with primer orcontaminated by rust, mill scale, paint etc. Both the weld appearance and transition with the basematerial are exceptionally smooth and consistent, making Maxeta 5 a suitable choice when demandson fatigue resistance of the joint are high.Coating type:Acid-rutileMetal recovery:160%Welding positions:Welding current:DC+/-, AC OCV> 65 VRedrying temperature:90 °C, 2hChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Re: 480 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 540 MPaElongation, A5 24%Impact energy, CV:-20 °C•70 JApprovals:GLCEDNVLRTÜVBVDBABSProduct data 3,2 450 72013200110-170 32 0,73 22 1,94,0 450 72014000150-240 35 0,71 15 2,95,0 450 72015000200-360 37 0,71 9 4,85,0 700 72015070200-330 37 0,73 6 5,06,0 450 72016000280-440 37 0,71 7 5,5Page 27
25Classification:AWS A5.1E 7024EN ISO 2560-A E 42 0 RR 53Description:Maxeta 10 is rutile-coated iron powder electrode with 135% recovery intended for welding mediumthick sections in general construction steels. The electrode design has been optimised to producefillet welds with a good mitre profile and throat thickness in the 3.5-4.0 mm range. Maxeta 10produces a finely rippled bead surface, minimum spatter and a self-detaching slag.Coating type:RutileMetal recovery:135%Welding positions:Welding current:DC+/-, AC OCV≥65 VRedrying temperature:90 °C, 2hChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Re: 470 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 570 MPaElongation, A5 24%Impact energy, CV:0 °C•50 JApprovals:GLCEABSBVDNVLRProduct data 2,5 350 7202250090-125 28 0,7 45 1,63,2 450 72023200130-160 29 0,73 23 2,24,0 450 72024000140-220 30 0,65 17 2,64,5 600 72024560160-230 29 0,70 10 2,95,0 450 72025000190-310 31 0,66 11 3,7Page 28
26Classification:EN ISO 2560-AE 42 0 RR 73AWS A5.1 E 7024Description:Maxeta 11 is a rutile-coated iron powder electrode with 190% recovery designed for high productivitywelding in heavier section mild steel. The electrode is particularly suitable for high speed fillet weldingin the downhand and horizontal-vertical positions as well as downhand butt welds. Excellent mitreprofile fillets are produced having a smooth transition with the base material. The electrode runs witha smooth stable arc leaving a finely rippled bead surface with self-detaching slag and minimumspatter. It operates equally well on primer-treated material. Maxeta 11 is specially designed to givevery low fume emission.Coating type:RutileMetal recovery:190%Welding positions:Welding current:AC OCV> 50V, DC+/-Redrying temperature:90 °C, 2hChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Re: 500 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 580 MPaElongation, A5 24%Impact energy, CV:0 °C•50 JApprovals:CEDNVGLLRMRSRINABVABSProduct data 3,2 450 72043200130-170 28 0,72 20 2,54,0 450 72044000150-260 31 0,73 13 3,34,5 450 72044500170-335 34 0,73 11 5,34,5 600 72044560170-250 30 0,73 8 4,25,0 450 72045000200-390 35 0,72 8 6,75,0 600 72045060200-300 34 0,72 7 5,35,0 700 72045070200-290 33 0,72 5 5,46,0 450 72046000300-450 35 0,72 6 7,76,0 600 72046060300-390 35 0,73 4 7,26,0 700 72046070300-380 35 0,73 4 7,2Page 29
27Classification:AWS A5.1E 7024EN ISO 2560-A E 42 0 RR 73Description:Maxeta 16 is a rutile-coated iron powder electrode with 160% recovery intended for horizontal andfillet welding of heavier section construction steels. The electrode has been specially designed toachieve the highest possible productivity when depositing fillet welds with a throat thickness in the3.0-4.0 mm range. Fillet welds can be made in primer-treated material without porosity or fusionproblems along the top edge. As with the other high recovery electrodes in Elga's programme,Maxeta 16 has excellent slag detachability and very low fume emission.Coating type:RutileMetal recovery:160%Welding positions:Welding current:DC+/-, AC OCV>50 VRedrying temperature:90 °C, 2hChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Re: 470 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 560 MPaElongation, A5 24%Impact energy, CV:0 °C•50 JApprovals:DNVABSGLCELRBVTÜVProduct data 3,2 450 72053200130-160 28 0,72 21 2,24,0 450 72054000150-235 31 0,71 14 35,0 450 72055000200-320 31 0,71 9 4,1Page 30
28Page 31
2929P 47 ................................................................. 30P 47D ................................................................ 31P 48M ...............................................................32P 48S ................................................................33P 48P ................................................................34P 51 ..................................................................35P 52T ................................................................36P 54 ..................................................................37Maxeta 20 .........................................................38Maxeta 21 .........................................................39Maxeta 22 .........................................................40Basic coated electrodes for weldingmild and medium tensile steelsPage 32
30Classification:EN ISO 2560-AE 46 4 B 12 H5AWS A5.1 E 7016-1Description:P 47 is a basic-coated, 105% recovery electrode intended for general welding applications in thosecases where a ''7016'' type is preferred. P 47 has very good positional operability and excellentresistance to porosity in plate coated with primer or contaminated by mill scale and rust. Suitable forshipbuilding, storage tanks and general construction purposes.Coating type:Basic;Metal recovery:105%Welding positions:Welding current:DC+/-, AC OCV≥60 VFor root passes: DC-Redrying temperature:375-400 °C, 2hChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Re: 490 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 570 MPaElongation, A5 26%Impact energy, CV:-46 °C•70 JHydrogen content / 100 g weld metal≤ 5 ml;Approvals:CEBVDNVGLLRABSMRSNAKSProduct data 2,5 350 7147253360-90 24 0,64 80 0,93,2 350 7147323380-160 26 0,66 44 1,24,0 350 71474033110-210 25 0,66 29 1,74,0 450 71474045110-200 24 0,67 22 1,7Page 33
31Classification:EN ISO 2560-AE 42 2 B 12 H10AWS A5.1 E 7016Description:P 47D is a basic double coated low hydrogen AC/DC electrode for welding mild and medium tensilesteels in all positions except vertical down. It has an exceptionally stable arc making it particularlysuitable for root passes. The electrode can be used on small welding transformers with a low OCVand operates with minimal spatter to deposit smooth weld beads featuring easy slag detachability andexcellent mitre fillet profile. P 47D is very easy to strike and combines good metallurgical quality withextreme ease of use, making it ideal for general repair and maintenance applications.Coating type:BasicMetal recovery:98%Welding positions:Welding current:DC+, AC OCV≥55 VRedrying temperature:350 °C, 2hChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Re: 465 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 550 MPaElongation, A5 26%Impact energy, CV:-20 °C•60 JHydrogen content / 100 g weld metal≤ 10 mlApprovals:DBTÜVDNVCEProduct data 2,5 350 7149250060-90 25 0,65 77 0,83,2 450 7149320080-140 25 0,67 36 1,33,2 350 7149323580-140 25 0,67 45 1,34,0 450 71494000130-200 25 0,69 22 1,7Page 34
32*AWS Suffix R only guaranteed for hermetically sealed or newly redried consumablesClassification:EN ISO 2560-AE 42 5 B 42 H5AWS A5.1 E 7018-1 H4R*Description:P 48M is a basic coated low hydrogen DC+ electrode designed for welding mild and higher strengthsteels. It is particularly suitable for heavily restrained sections and also steels with higher impuritylevels. The electrode operates with a very smooth and stable arc and shows no tendency to ''freeze'',even on low current.Root passes can be welded with DC-.P 48M has very good fracture toughness at temperatures down to -50 °C.Coating type:BasicMetal recovery:120%Welding positions:Welding current:DC+/(-)Redrying temperature:375-400 °C, 2hChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Re: 480 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 560 MPaElongation, A5 28%Impact energy, CV:-40 °C • 80 J-46 °C • 70 J-50 °C • 60 JHydrogen content / 100 g weld metal≤ 4 mlApprovals:CEDNVLRGLRINAMRSProduct data 2,0 300 7155200040-80 23 0,64 112 0,72,5 350 7155250070-110 23 0,69 62 0,93,2 450 7155320080-145 24 0,71 30 1,34,0 450 71554000120-210 25 0,73 20 1,85,0 450 71555000200-285 25 0,75 13 2,7Page 35
33Classification:EN ISO 2560-AE 42 4 B 42 H5AWS A5.1 E 7018-1H4Description:P 48S is a basic-coated, low hydrogen, general purpose electrode for use on DC+ only, for which theoutstanding all-round operability has been optimised. The smooth, soft arc, easy slag control,all-positional welding, low spatter and excellent slag release provide maximum welder-appeal.P 48S combines the good running characteristics required for general fabrication work with theexacting operability needs for pipe welding, where the fine spray transfer provides precise weld poolcontrol and ensures an exceptionally regular and smooth root bead.Coating type:BasicMetal recovery:120%Welding positions:Welding current:DC+/(-)Redrying temperature:375-400 °C, 2hChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Re: 530 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 600 MPaElongation, A5 26%Impact energy, CV:-40 °C•60 J-46 °C•40 JHydrogen content / 100 g weld metal≤ 4 mlApprovals:CETÜVBVGLABSDBDNVMRSLRProduct data 1,6 300 7148162030-60 23 0,65 170 0,52,0 300 7148202040-80 23 0,64 115 0,72,5 350 7148252080-110 23 0,71 60 1,03,2 450 71483220110-155 24 0,72 28 1,63,2 350 71483520110-165 24 0,72 36 1,64,0 450 71484020140-205 25 0,74 19 2,15,0 450 71485020200-285 25 0,75 13 2,9Page 36
34Classification:EN ISO 2560-AE 46 2 B 12 H5AWS A5.1 E 7018-H8Description:P 48P is a basic-coated, low hydrogen, carbon manganese electrode specially designed forpipewelding. The all-positional AC/DC electrode is exceptionally easy to use. P 48P has an extremelystable arc which enables it to be manipulated in the most difficult welding positions without any risk ofarc extinction due to freezing. Root beads are even and slightly convex, providing a smooth blend-inwith the base material. Operating characteristics are not sensitive to variations in the root gap or edgemisalignment. Fill and capping passes fuse flush with the joint edges, minimising the risk of edgedefects when using either the stringer bead or weaving technique. The flat-to slightly convex beadprofile results in the need for only a bare minimum of grinding and therefore considerable reduction inthe associated problems of dust and noise pollution. P 48P combines the special operability needs ofthe pipe welder with the general requirement for improved productivity.Coating type:BasicMetal recovery:105%Welding positions:Welding current:DC+/-, AC OCV> 70 VRedrying temperature:375-400 °C, 2hChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Re: 530 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 620 MPaElongation, A5 25 %Impact energy, CV:-20 °C•80 J-30 °C•70 JHydrogen content / 100 g weld metal≤ 5 mlApprovals:CEABSLRGLTÜVDNVBVProduct data 2,0 300 7159200045-65 20 0,61 155 0,62,5 350 7159250060-85 22 0,62 80 0,63,2 450 7159320070-130 23 0,75 30 1,13,2 350 7159323570-130 23 0,75 42 14,0 450 71594000120-190 24 0,73 23 1,7Page 37
35Classification:EN ISO 2560-AE 46 4 B 32 H5AWS A5.1 E 7018-1H8Description:P 51 is a basic-coated low hydrogen AC/DC electrode designed for welding mild and higher strengthsteels. It combines strength and toughness and is particularly suitable for heavily restrained sectionswhere there can be risk of cracking due to weld stresses. With its excellent general operability andgood positional welding characteristics P 51 is often used for pipe welding. It operates withoutdifficulties on both primer-treated and rusty material. The electrode produces a finely rippled beadsurface and smooth transition with the base material. This together with the exceptionally good slagdetachability, even in root runs, gives P 51 superior radiographic quality.Coating type:BasicMetal recovery:120%Welding positions:Welding current:DC(+)/-, AC OCV≥70 VFor root passes: DC -Redrying temperature:375-400 °C, 2hChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Re: 560 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 600 MPaElongation, A5 25%Impact energy, CV:-46 °C•30 J-40 °C•60 JHydrogen content / 100 g weld metal≤ 5 mlApprovals:CETÜVGLDBLRBVDNVABSProduct data 2,5 350 7151250070-110 23 0,68 60 1,03,2 450 71513200110-150 24 0,68 30 1,33,2 350 71513235110-150 24 0,68 38 1,34,0 450 71514000140-200 24 0,72 19 1,84,0 350 71514035140-200 24 0,72 25 1,85,0 450 71515000200-270 24 0,72 13 2,6Page 38
36Classification:EN ISO 2560-AE 42 4 B 35 H5AWS A5.1 E7048-H4Description:P 52T is a basic-coated low hydrogen electrode especially designed for tack welding mild and higherstrength steels up to 500 MPa. It produces a flat-to-concave weld deposit exhibiting high ductilitywhich minimises the risk of cracking in highly restrained joints. The electrode is easy to use in thevertical -down position, combined with excellent restriking and slag removal characteristics. P 52Thas special slag properties that make it highly suitable for tack welding joints prior to using FCAW.Applications:Tack welding structural steels used in general fabrication, ship building, bridge construction andheavy plant.'Coating type:BasicMetal recovery:125 %Welding positions:Welding current:DC+, AC OCV> 50 VRedrying temperature:375-400 °C, 2hChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Re: 440 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 540 MPaElongation, A5 30 %Impact energy, CV:-20 °C•100 J-40 °C•70 JHydrogen content / 100 g weld metal≤ 5 mlApprovals:CEBVLRGLDNVProduct data 2,5 350 7152250060-110 21 0,76 603,2 350 71523235110-160 25,5 0,76 364,0 350 71524035160-210 27 0,78 24Page 39
37Classification:EN ISO 2560-AE 46 2 B 35 H5AWS A5.1 E 7048-H4Description:P 54 is a basic AC/DC electrode specially designed for vertical down welding of ordinary and higherstrength steels. The vertical down technique is characterized by high welding speeds and low heatinput, giving enhanced productivity combined with low stress and deformation. P 54 produces a cleanbead profile with minimum spatter and gives very good mechanical properties.Coating type:BasicMetal recovery:110%Welding positions:Welding current:AC OCV≤65 V, (DC +)Redrying temperature:375-400 °C, 2hChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Re: 530 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 590 MPaElongation, A5 25%Impact energy, CV:-20 °C•90 J-40 °C • 40 JHydrogen content / 100 g weld metal≤ 4 mlApprovals:CEGLLRDNVProduct data 3,2 450 71543200110-150 23 0,78 32 1,74,0 450 71544000150-200 24 0,76 22 2,15,0 450 71545000200-280 25 0,75 14 2,9Page 40
38Classification:EN ISO 2560-AE 42 2 RB 53 H10AWS A5.1 E 7028Description:Maxeta 20 is a basic-rutile low hydrogen iron powder electrode with 150% recovery intended forwelding of heavier section construction steels. The electrode is particularly suitable for welding ofstanding fillets enabling the user to make extended run lengths and thereby achieve small fillet weldsat high deposition rates. Excellent mitre profile fillets are produced having a smooth transition with thebase material. The electrode runs with a stable arc leaving a finely rippled bead surface withself-detaching slag and minimum spatter. It operates equally well on primer-treated material withoutporosity or fusion line problems along the top edge.Coating type:Basic-rutileMetal recovery:150%Welding positions:Welding current:DC+/-, AC OCV> 65 VRedrying temperature:300 °C, 2hMechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Re: 480 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 550 MPaElongation, A5 27%Impact energy, CV:-20 °C•90 JHydrogen content / 100 g weld metal≤ 10 mlApprovals:CEDNVLRProduct data 3,2 450 72083200140-170 29 0,60 24 1,64,0 450 72084000180-220 30 0,62 18 2,15,0 450 72085000250-320 32 0,64 11 3,6Page 41
39Classification:AWS A5.1E 7028EN ISO 2560-A E 42 4 B 73 H5Description:Maxeta 21 is a zircon-basic low hydrogen iron powder electrode with 170% recovery, intended forwelding heavier sections in construction and ship steels. It is designed for fast and easy welding inthe horizontal position and operates well on both AC and DC. Maxeta 21 can be used onprimer-treated material without porosity or other problems and gives good mechanical properties.Coating type:Zircon-basicMetal recovery:170%Welding positions:Welding current:DC+/-, AC OCV> 70 VRedrying temperature:350 °C, 2hChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Re: 460 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 560 MPaElongation, A5 24%Impact energy, CV:-20 °C•150 J-40 °C•70 JHydrogen content / 100 g weld metal≤ 5 mlApprovals:CELRDNVGLProduct data 4,0 450 72064000170-240 30 0,72 14 3,05,0 450 72065000225-355 33 0,71 9 4,6Page 42
40Classification:AWS A5.1E 7028EN ISO 2560-A E 42 3 B 74 H10Description:Maxeta 22 is a zircon-basic low hydrogen iron powder electrode with 240% recovery. It is designed forhigh productivity welding of heavy section mild steel and higher strength steels in the downhandposition. Deposition rates with Maxeta 22 are comparable with those for submerged arc welding. Theelectrode operates on AC/DC but AC is preferable. Maxeta 22 produces a weld metal with very goodmechanical properties.Coating type:Zircon-basicMetal recovery:240%Welding positions:Welding current:DC+/-, AC OCV>65 VRedrying temperature:350 °C, 2hChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Re: 450 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 560 MPaElongation, A5 26%Impact energy, CV:-20 °C•110 J-40 °C•50JHydrogen content / 100 g weld metal≤ 10 mlApprovals:CEDNVGLLRProduct data 4,0 450 72074000190-240 33 0,74 11,0 4,95,0 450 72075000240-360 34 0,76 6,0 8,05,0 600 72075060240-340 34 0,75 5,0 7,56,0 450 72076000300-470 39 0,75 4,0 10,86,0 600 72076060300-450 39 0,75 3,0 10,3Page 43
4141P 62MR .............................................................42P 63MR .............................................................43P 65MR .............................................................44P 48K ................................................................45P 58K ................................................................46P 4130 ..............................................................47P 110MR ...........................................................48Maxeta 24 .........................................................49Maxeta 110 .......................................................50P 81CR ..............................................................51P 83CR ..............................................................52P 84CR ..............................................................53Basic coated low alloy electrodes forwelding high tensile, low temperatureand creep resisting steelsPage 44
42EN: slight deviation in Mn** Meet also 8018-G in diameter up to 4,0 mmClassification:EN ISO 2560-A~E 46 5 1Ni B 32 H5AWS A5.5 E7018-G / (E 8018-G)**Description:P 62MR is a basic-coated low hydrogen electrode producing a nominal 0.9% Ni weld metal, designedto give excellent fracture toughness at temperatures down to -60 °C. It is an AC/DC electrode withoptimised welder-appeal, especially in the vertical up position, producing a finely rippled bead surfaceand good slag detachability.Electrode sizes 3,2x350 mm also available with a thin coating, "tc", ideally suited for root passwelding and joints with restricted access. P 62MR conforms to NACE requirements for oil and gasproduction equipment in sour service and has excellent CTOD values, making it highly suitable foroffshore applications.Coating type:BasicMetal recovery:110-120%Welding positions:Welding current:DC+/-, AC OCV≥70 V, For root passes: DC -Redrying temperature:375-400 °C, 2hChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Re: 530 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 610 MPaElongation, A5 25%Impact energy, CV:-60 °C•60 JHydrogen content / 100 g weld metal≤ 5 mlApprovals:CEBVLRNAKSMRSABSDNVProduct data 2,5 350 7162250060-110 22 0,73 71 0,83,2 tc 350 7162325080-155 23 0,72 42 1,33,2 350 7162323580-150 24 0,71 37 1,43,2 450 7162320080-150 24 0,71 28 1,44,0 450 71624000140-200 24 0,72 19 1,95,0 450 71625000200-270 24 0,72 13 2,6Page 45
43Classification:EN ISO 2560-AE 46 5 1Ni B 32 H5AWS A5.5 E7018-C3L / ~E8018-C3Description:P 63MR is a basic-coated low hydrogen electrode producing a nominal 0.9% Ni weld metal, designedto give excellent fracture toughness at temperatures down to -60 °C. It is an AC/DC electrode withoptimised welder-appeal, especially in the vertical up position, producing a finely rippled bead surfaceand good slag detachability.Coating type:BasicMetal recovery:110-120%Welding positions:Welding current:DC +/-, AC OCV≥70 V, For root passes: DC -Redrying temperature:375-400 °C, 2hMechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Re: 530 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 610 MPaElongation, A5 25%Impact energy, CV:-60 °C•60 JHydrogen content / 100 g weld metal≤ 5 mlProduct data 2,5 350 7164250060-110 22 0,73 71 0,83,2 350 7164320080-150 24 0,71 37 1,44,0 350 71644000140-200 24 0,72 25 1,9Page 46
44Classification:EN ISO 18275E 50 6 Mn 1 Ni B 32 H5EN ISO 2560-A E 50 6 Mn 1 Ni B 32 H5AWS A5.5 8018-GDescription:P 65MR is a basic-coated low hydrogen electrode producing a nominal 0.9% Ni weld metal withmolybdenum addition, designed for welding steels with a minimum yield strength of 450 MPa e.g. BS7191-450 EM, BS 4360-55E/F and similar materials, used in offshore fabrication etc.P 65MR gives a minimum yield strength of 560 MPa, minimum tensile strength of 610 MPa and hasexcellent fracture toughness down to -60 °C. It is an AC/DC, all-positional electrode producing a finelyrippled bead surface and good slag detachability. Electrode sizes 3,2x350 mm also available with athin coating, "tc", ideally suited for root pass welding and joints with restricted access.Coating type:BasicMetal recovery:110-120%Welding positions:Welding current:DC+/-, AC OCV≥70 V, For root passes: DC -Redrying temperature:375-400 °C, 2hChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Re: 610 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 650 MPaElongation, A5 22%Impact energy, CV:-60 °C•60 JHydrogen content / 100 g weld metal≤ 5 mlApprovals:CEDNVLRProduct data 2,5 350 7165250060-110 22 0,71 71 0,83,2 tc 350 7165325080-155 23 0,74 42 1,33,2 350 7165323580-150 24 0,68 37 1,43,2 450 7165320080-150 24 0,68 31 1,54,0 450 71654000140-200 24 0,72 20 1,95,0 450 71655000200-270 24 13 2,6Page 47
45Classification:EN ISO 2560-AE 46 6 2Ni B 32 H5AWS A5.5 E8018-C1Description:P 48K is a basic-coated low hydrogen electrode producing a 2.5 % Ni weld metal. The all-positionalelectrode is designed for applications demanding high yield strength and excellent fracture toughnessat temperatures down to -60 °C, both in the as welded and stress relieved condition, and is suitablefor offshore fabrication and LPG work.P 48K is CTOD testedCoating type:BasicMetal recovery:120%Welding positions:Welding current:DC+/-, AC OCV≥70 VRedrying temperature:350 °C, 2hChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Re: 530 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 620 MPaElongation, A5 25%Impact energy, CV:-60 °C•90 JHydrogen content / 100 g weld metal≤ 5 mlApprovals:CELRABSBVDNVMRSProduct data 2,5 350 7158250080-110 24 0,64 63 0,93,2 450 71583200110-150 25 0,67 33 1,34,0 450 71584000140-200 27 0,7 22 1,95,0 450 71585000200-270 27 0,71 13 2,6Page 48
46Classification:AWS A5.5E 7018-C2LDescription:3,5% Ni, low hydrogen, low carbon electrode for applications requiring high toughness at lowtemperatures down to -101 C. Weld metal touhness is increased by PWHT at 610°C, 2 hours.Coating type:basicMetal recovery:120 %Welding positions:Welding current:DC+, AC OCV≥70 VRedrying temperature:350 °C, 2hChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Rp0.2%: 500 MPa**Tensile Strength, Rm: 580 MPa**Elongation, A5 27 %**Impact energy, CV:-101°C•40 J**-70°C•100 J**Hydrogen content / 100 g weld metal≤ 5 mlProduct data 3,2 350 7187323580-150 23 0,71 37 1,43,2 450 7187320080-150 23 0,71 30 1,44,0 350 71874035140-200 24 0,72 25 1,94,0 450 71874000140-200 24 0,72 20 1,95,0 450 71875000200-270 27 0,73 13 2,6Page 49
47Classification:AWS A5.5~E 10018-D2Description:P 4130 is a basic coated low hydrogen electrode for welding of high strength steel. The electrode isspecially developed for welding of pipes and other equipment in base material AISI 4130 e.g highpressure mud piping for offshore work. The weld metal retain high strength even after post- weld heattreatment.Applications:High preassure mud pipes.'Coating type:BasicMetal recovery:120%Welding positions:Welding current:DC +/(-), AC OCV≥70V, For root passes: DC-Redrying temperature:350 °C, 2hChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Re: 730 MPa**Tensile Strength, Rm: 770 MPa**Elongation, A5 21%**Impact energy, CV:-20°C•100 J**-40°C•75 J**Hydrogen content / 100 g weld metal≤ 5 mlProduct data 2,5 350 7163250050-95 23 0,69 72 0,73,2 450 71633200100-150 23 0,71 28 1,44,0 450 71634000140-200 23 0,71 20 1,85,0 450 71635000200-270 24 0,70 13 2,6Page 50
48Classification:EN ISO 18275~E 69 6 Mn2NiCrMo B 32H5AWS A5.5 E 11018-GDescription:P 110MR is a basic-coated low hydrogen electrode specially designed for welding high-strengthlow-alloy quenched and tempered steels with a yield strength of 700 MPa. The weld metal combinesvery high strength properties with good fracture toughness at temperatures down to -60°C.P 110MR is an all-positional electrode with strong welder-appeal and produces mechanical propertieshighly suitable for applications such as mobile jack-up rigs and submarine construction.Coating type:BasicMetal recovery:120%Welding positions:Welding current:DC+/(-), AC OCV≥70 VRedrying temperature:350 °C, 2hChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Rp0.2%: 740 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 790 MPaElongation, A5 24%Impact energy, CV:-40°C•80 J-60°C•70 JHydrogen content / 100 g weld metal≤ 5 mlApprovals:CELRABSProduct data 2,5 350 7160250070-110 22 0,7 66 0,93,2 450 71603200100-150 24 0,7 29 1,43,2 350 71603235100-150 24 0,7 35 1,44,0 450 71604000135-200 24 0,72 19 1,9Page 51
49Classification:EN ISO 2560-AE 46 5 1Ni B 53 H5AWS A5.5 ~E7018-GDescription:Maxeta 24 is a zircon-basic low hydrogen electrode with 160% recovery, producing a nominal 0.9 %Ni weld metal. It is intended for welding fillets and butt joints in the horizontal-vertical and flatpositions, combining high deposition rates with very good fracture toughness at temperatures down to-60 °C. Maxeta 24 has excellent CTOD values and is particularly suitable for offshore construction.Coating type:Zircon-basicMetal recovery:160%Welding positions:Welding current:DC+/-, AC OCV≥70 VRedrying temperature:350 °C, 2hChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Re: 510 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 600 MPaElongation, A5 25%Impact energy, CV:-50°C•70 JHydrogen content / 100 g weld metal≤ 5 mlCEDNVABSLRProduct data 4,0 450 72094000170-240 29 0,74 14 3,05,0 450 72095000225-355 33 0,71 10 4,6Page 52
50Classification:EN ISO 18275~E 69 5 Mn 2NiMo B 73 H5AWS A5.5 ~E 11018-GDescription:Maxeta 110 is a zircon-basic low hydrogen electrode with 160% recovery, specially designed forwelding quenched and tempered steels with a yield strength of 700 MPa, e.g. Weldox 700, HY 100,N-A-XTRA 70, TI, Suprafort 700, STE 690, etc. The weld metal gives very high strength propertieswith good fracture toughness at temperatures down to -60 °C. Maxeta 110 is intended for highproductivity welding, producing a mitre fillet profile with smooth blend-in with the base plate. Thecombination of very high strength, good toughness and fast deposition rate makes this electrodeparticularly suitable for offshore and mobile cranes, jack-up rigs, submarine hulls and earth movingequipment.Coating type:Zircon-basicMetal recovery:160%Welding positions:Welding current:DC+/-, AC OCV≥70 VRedrying temperature:350 °C, 2hChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Rp0.2%: 720 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 780 MPaElongation, A5 20%Impact energy, CV:-40°C•75 JHydrogen content / 100 g weld metal≤ 5 mlApprovals:CEProduct data 4,0 450 72114000170-240 28 0,74 14 35,0 450 72115000225-355 30 0,74 9 4,9Page 53
51Classification:EN ISO 3580-AE Mo B 42 H5AWS A5.5 E 7018-A1Description:P 81CR is a basic-coated, low hydrogen electrode which deposits a 0.5% Mo type weld metal. It isprimarily intended for welding similar composition steels, used where creep rupture strength andductility at service temperatures up to 550°C are required e.g. EN 16Mo3 and ASTM A335 Grade P1.The Mo content confers some resistance to hydrogen attack in chemical process plant applications. P81CR is also suitable for ordinary C-Mn steels when higher tensile strength weld metal is required.Preheat and interpass temperature of 100-150 °C is recommended. Post-weld heat treat at 620 °C.Coating type:BasicMetal recovery:110%Welding positions:Welding current:DC+Redrying temperature:350 °C, 2hChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Rp0.2%: 480 MPa**Tensile Strength, Rm: 590 MPa**Elongation, A5 24%**Impact energy, CV:-20 °C•100 J**Hydrogen content / 100 g weld metal≤ 5 mlProduct data 2,5 350 7181250065-100 22 0,72 71 0,83,2 350 7181320095-150 23 0,73 37 1,44,0 350 71814000130-200 24 0,73 19 1,85,0 450 71815000160-265 25 0,73 12 2,6Page 54
52Classification:EN ISO 3580-AE CrMo1 B 42 H5AWS A5.5 E 8018-B2Description:P 83CR is a basic-coated, low hydrogen electrode which deposits a low carbon 1.25% Cr/ 0.5% Moweld metal. It is intended for welding creep resisting steels of similar composition, used in powergeneration plant operating at temperatures up to 570°C, e.g. EN 13CrMo4-5, EN 10CrMo5-5, ASTMA335 Gr P11-P12 etc. Also suitable for use in the chemical and petrochemical industries whereresistance to hydrogen attack, corrosion from sulphur bearing crude oil and stress corrosion crackingin sour environments is required. Preheat and interpass temperature of 150-200 °C is recommended.Post-weld heat treat at 690°C.Coating type:BasicMetal recovery:110%Welding positions:Welding current:DC+Redrying temperature:350 °C, 2hChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Rp0.2%: 700 MPa**Tensile Strength, Rm: 750 MPa**Elongation, A5 21 %**Impact energy, CV:20 °C•130 J**Hydrogen content / 100 g weld metal≤ 5 mlProduct data 2,5 350 7183250065-100 22 0,72 71 0,83,2 350 7183320095-150 23 0,73 37 1,44,0 350 71834000130-200 24 0,73 19 1,85,0 450 71835000160-265 25 0,73 12 2,6Page 55
53Classification:EN ISO 3580-AE CrMo2 B 42 H5AWS A5.5 E 9018-B3Description:P 84CR is a basic-coated, low hydrogen electrode which deposits a low carbon 2.25% Cr/1.0% Moweld metal. It is intended for welding creep resisting steels of similar composition, used in steamgeneration plant operating at temperatures up to 600°C, e.g. EN 10CrMo9-10, EN 11CrMo9-10,ASTM 335 Gr. P22, ASTM 217 Gr WC9. Also suitable for use in the chemical and petrochemicalindustries where resistance to hydrogen attack, corrosion from sulphur bearing crude oil and stresscorrosion cracking in sour environments is required. Preheat and interpass temperature of 200-250°Cis recommended. Post-weld heat treat at 690°C.Coating type:BasicMetal recovery:110-120%Welding positions:Welding current:DC+Redrying temperature:350-400°C, 2hChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Rp0.2%: N/A**Tensile Strength, Rm: N/A**Elongation, A5 N/A**Impact energy, CV: N/A**Hydrogen content / 100 g weld metal≤ 5 mlProduct data 2,5 350 7184250065-100 22 0,72 71 0,83,2 350 7184320090-150 23 0,73 37 1,44,0 350 71845000130-200 24 0,73 19 1,85,0 450 71845000160-265 25 0,73 12 2,6Page 56
54Page 57
5555Cromarod 308L ............................................... 56Cromarod 308LP ..............................................57Cromarod B308L ..............................................58Cromarod 308H ...............................................59Cromarod 347 ..................................................60Cromarod B347 ................................................61Cromarod 316L ................................................62Cromarod 316LP ..............................................63Cromarod 316LV .............................................. 64Cromarod 316L-140 ........................................65Cromarod B316L ..............................................66Cromarod 318 ..................................................67Cromarod 309L ................................................68Cromarod B309L ..............................................69Cromarod B309LNb .........................................70Cromarod 309MoL ...........................................71Cromarod 309MoLP ........................................72Cromarod 310 ..................................................73Cromarod 312 ..................................................74Cromaarod 253 ................................................ 75Cromarod LDX .................................................76Cromarod Duplex .............................................77Cromarod Duplex LP ........................................78Cromarod Duplex-140 ......................................79Cromarod Duplex B ..........................................80Cromarod 2507R .............................................81Cromarod 2507B ..............................................82Cromarod 383 ..................................................83Cromarod 385 ..................................................84Cromarod 82 ....................................................85Cromarod 625 ..................................................86Electrodes for MMA welding ofstainless steels and Ni-base alloysPage 58
56Classification:AWS A5.4E 308L-17EN ISO 3581-A E 19 9 L R 12Description:Cromarod 308L is a rutile flux coated AC/DC electrode designed for the welding of low carbon 18%Cr/ 10%Ni, type 304L, austenitic stainless steels. Operability is excellent with a low spatter arcproducing a smooth weld bead surface and self-releasing slag. The electrode is all-positional up toand including 3.2 mm diameter. Cromarod 308L is also suitable for welding stainless steel grade 304material, as well as Nb or Ti stabilised grades 347 and 321, when resistance to corrosion is primarilyrequired. For structural applications at temperatures above 400 °C, Cromarod 308H is recommendedbecause of its superior strength at elevated temperatures.Coating type:RutileWelding positions:Welding current:DC+, AC OCV > 39VRedrying temperature:350 °C, 2hChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Rp0.2%: 450 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 580 MPaElongation, A5 39%Impact energy, CV:-20 °C•60 J-120 °C•45 JFerrite content:FN 7 (WRC-92)Corrosion resistanceGood resistance to general and intergranularcorrosion. Also good resistance to oxidising acidsand cold reducing acids.Scaling temperature:Approx. 850 °C in air.Approvals:CEDBTÜVDNVABSGLProduct data 2,0 300 7430200035-60 28 0,62 143 0,72,5 300 7430250040-80 28 0,62 91 1,03,2 350 7430320080-120 29 0,64 45 1,54,0 350 74304000100-160 30 0,64 31 2,05,0 450 74305000140-220 30 0,62 15 2,8Page 59
57Classification:EN ISO 3581-AE 19 9 L R 11AWS A5.4 E 308L-17Description:Cromarod 308LP is a fully-positional rutile coated electrode specially designed for applicationsrequiring optimum positional operability. It is intended for stainless steel grades 304L and 304, butcan also be used for the stabilised grades 347 and 321. With its exceptionally good arc stability, weldpool control and striking/re-striking characteristics it is highly suitable for the most demanding verticaland overhead pipewelding applications. The relatively thin coating and fast-freezing slag makeCromarod 308LP particularly advantageous to use when welding thinner walled material. Forstructural applications at temperatures above 400 °C, Cromarod 308H is recommended because ofits superior strength properties at elevated temperatures.Coating type:RutileWelding positions:Welding current:DC+, AC OCV > 39VRedrying temperature:350 °C, 2hChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Rp0.2%: 450 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 580 MPaElongation, A5 40%Impact energy, CV:0 °C•60 J-60 °C • 50 JFerrite content:FN 5 (WRC-92)Approvals:CEProduct data 2,0 300 7429200020-45 21 0,67 148 0,72,5 300 7429250035-85 21 0,68 91 0,93,2 350 7429320040-100 23 0,73 44 1,4Page 60
58Classification:AWS A5.4E308L-15EN ISO 3581-A E 19 9 L B 42Description:Basic coated stainless steel electrode for type 304L/304LN steel grades.Produces weld metal with higher touhgness at lower temperatures compared to rutile coatedelectrodes. The basic coating results in higher resistance to porosity due to improved gas shield,making the electrode highly suitable for on site welding. Cromarod B308L has an easy slag removaleven in narrow joint preparations, reducing post-weld cleaning time.Applications:Offshore, pipeline, restrained joints.'Coating type:BasicMetal recovery:110%Welding positions:Welding current:DC+Redrying temperature:350 °C, 2hChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Rp0.2%: 430 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 570 MPaElongation, A5 40%Impact energy, CV:-50 °C•80 J-196 °C•50 Jlat exp 0.6 mmFerrite content:FN 5 (WRC 92)Approvals:CEDNVProduct data 2,5 300 7426250050-80 24 0,69 86 0,833,2 350 7426320075-125 25 0,69 43 1,244,0 350 74264000100-165 26 0,69 28 1,94Page 61
59Classification:AWS A5.4E308H-17EN ISO 3581-A E 19 9 H R 12Description:Cromarod 308H is a all-positional rutile flux coated electrode which deposits a 20%Cr / 10%Niaustenitic stainless steel weld metal with controlled carbon content (0.04% - 0.08%). It is designed toweld similar composition steels, used for creep strength and oxidation resistance at temperatures upto 800°C. Exceptionally good arc stability, weld pool control and re-striking characteristics make itparticular suitable for pipewelding.Cromarod 308H is also recommended for welding the controlled carbon stabilised grades 321H and347H, used for structural applications at temperatures above 400 °C.Coating type:RutileWelding positions:Welding current:DC+, AC OCV > 39VRedrying temperature:350 °C, 2hChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Rp0.2%: 435 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 585 MPaElongation, A5 39%Impact energy, CV:20 °C•75 JFerrite content:FN 4 (WRC-92)Approvals:CEProduct data 2,5 300 7428250035-85 21 0,68 95 0,93,2 350 7428320040-100 23 0,73 46 1,44,0 350 74284000100-160 24 0,65 30 1,6Page 62
60Classification:AWS A5.4E 347-17EN ISO 3581-A E 19 9 Nb R 12Description:Cromarod 347 is a niobium stabilised, rutile flux coated electrode used for welding the Nb or Tistabilised 18% Cr/ 10% Ni austenitic stainless steel grades 347 and 321. It is also suitable for theunstabilised grades 304 and 304L. Cromarod 347 is primarily intended for use where resistance tointergranular corrosion is required. For welding the controlled carbon material grades 321H and 347H,used for structural applications at temperatures above 400 °C, Cromarod 308H is recommendedbecause of its superior creep strength. The electrode has good positional characteristics andproduces low spatter levels and good slag detachability.Coating type:RutileWelding positions:Welding current:DC+, AC OCV > 39VRedrying temperature:350 °C, 2hChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Rp0.2%: 480 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 620 MPaElongation, A5 35%Impact energy, CV:-60 °C•40 JFerrite content:FN 8 (WRC-92)Corrosion resistanceGood resistance to general and intergranularcorrosion particularly at elevated temperatures.Scaling temperature:Approx. 850 °C in air.Approvals:CEProduct data 2,5 300 7448250050-80 21 0,62 90 1,03,2 350 7448320080-110 22 0,64 46 1,34,0 350 74484000130-170 22 0,63 31 1,94,0 450 74484045110-135 22 0,65 23 1,65,0 450 74485000160-220 22 0,65 15 2,8Page 63
61Classification:AWS A5.4E347-15EN ISO 3581-A E 19 9 Nb B 42Description:Cromarod B347 is a niobium stabilised, basic flux coated electrode usedfor welding the Nb or Ti stabilised 18% Cr/ 10% Ni austenitic stainlesssteel grades 347 and 321. It is also suitable for the unstabilised grades304 and 304L. Cromarod B347 is primarily intended for use where resistance to intergranularcorrosion is required. For welding the controlled carbon material grades 321H and 347H, used forstructural applications at temperatures above 400 °C, Cromarod 308H is recommended because ofits superior creep strength.Cromarod B347 has an easy slag removal even in narrow joint preparations, reducing post-weldcleaning time. The basic coating results in higher resistance to porosity due to improved gas shield,making the electrode highly suitable for on site welding. Basic coated stainless electrodes producesweld metal with higher touhgness at lower temperatures compared to rutile coated electrodes due toless weld metal oxygen. The basic coating results in a lower weld metal Si content making B347 lesssensitive to hot cracking caused by Nb additions, compared to rutile types. Furthermore this permits alower weld metal ferrite content compared to rutile types.Applications:pipe welding, restrained joints, cladding'Coating type:BasicMetal recovery:110%Welding positions:Welding current:DC+Redrying temperature:350 °C, 2hChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Rp0.2%: 500 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 620 MPaElongation, A5 37%Impact energy, CV:-50 °C•70 JFerrite content:5Corrosion resistanceGood resistance to general and intergranularcorrosion particularly atelevated temperatures.Scaling temperature:Approx. 850 °C in air.Approvals:CEProduct data 2,5 300 7461250050-80 24 0,69 86 0,833,2 350 7461320075-125 25 0,69 43 1,244,0 350 74614000100-165 26 0,69 28 1,944,0 450 74614045100-150 26 0,69 22 1,945,0 450 74615000150-210 28 0,68 15 2,82Page 64
62Classification:AWS A5.4E 316L-17EN ISO 3581-A E 19 12 3 L R 12Description:Cromarod 316L is a rutile flux coated AC/DC electrode intended for welding the low carbon,molybdenum alloyed, acid resisting austenitic stainless steels of similar composition (316L).Operability is excellent with a smooth low spatter arc producing an exceptionally good weld beadappearance. Fillet welds have a smooth surface, slightly concave profile with excellent toe lineblend-in and a self-releasing slag. The electrode is all positional up to and including 3.25 mmdiameter. Cromarod 316L is suitable for welding normal carbon 316 type grades and also Nb or Tistabilised steels, provided service temperatures are below 400 °C. For 316 material grades used atelevated temperatures, Cromarod 318 is recommended.Coating type:RutileWelding positions:Welding current:DC+, AC OCV > 39VRedrying temperature:350 °C, 2hChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Rp0.2%: 490 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 600 MPaElongation, A5 32%Impact energy, CV:-20 °C•55 J-120 °C•45 JFerrite content:FN 6 (WRC-92)Corrosion resistanceGood resistance to general and intergranularcorrosion in the more severe environments e.g. Product data 1,6 300 7440160025-45 29 0,53 233 0,52,0 300 7440200035-60 29 0,63 137 0,72,5 300 7440250040-80 29 0,64 85 1,13,2 350 7440320080-120 29 0,64 44 1,54,0 350 74404000100-160 30 0,65 30 2,14,0 450 74404045100-160 30 0,65 23 2,15,0 450 74405000170-230 30 0,65 14 2,8Ferrite content:FN 6 (WRC-92)Corrosion resistanceGood resistance to general and intergranularcorrosion in the more severe environments e.g.dilute hot acids. Good resistance to chloride pittingcorrosion.Scaling temperature:Approx. 850 °C in air.Approvals:CEABSDBGLLRBVDNVTÜVNAKS Page 65
63Classification:AWS A5.4E 316L-17EN ISO 3581-A E 19 12 3 L R 11Description:Cromarod 316LP is a positionalrutile flux coated electrode designed specially for welding thin walled(down to 1.5 mm) pipelines found in the chemical process and papermaking industries, where it offersconsiderably higher productivity than manual TIG. With its exceptionally good arc stability, weld poolcontrol and restriking characteristics it is highly suitable for the most demanding vertical and overheadwelding applications in fixed pipework and is ideal for cramped and difficult site conditions. Cromarod316LP is also recommended for root runs and butt weldsin general fabrication of molybdenumalloyed stainless steels in all material thicknesses.Coating type:RutileWelding positions:Welding current:DC+, AC OCV > 39VRedrying temperature:350 °C, 2hChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Rp0.2%: 480 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 580 MPaElongation, A5 32%Impact energy, CV:20 °C•60 J-120 °C•35 JFerrite content:FN 4 (WRC-92)Corrosion resistanceGood resistance to general and intergranularcorrosion in the more severe environments e.g.dilute hot acids. Good resistance to chloride pittingcorrosion.Scaling temperature:Approx. 850 °C in air.Approvals:CEDNVTÜVProduct data 1,6 250 7443162518-35 20 0,68 267 0,52,0 300 7443200020-45 21 0,67 145 0,72,0 250 7443202520-45 21 0,67 178 0,62,5 300 7443250040-85 23 0,68 91 0,93,2 350 7443320040-100 23 0,73 44 1,4Page 66
64Classification:AWS A5.4E 316L-17EN ISO 3581-A E 19 12 3 L R 15Description:Cromarod 316LV is a rutile flux coated electrode designed specially for welding thin section acidresisting 316L austenitic stainless steels in the vertical down position. The special composition andvery thin coating gives the electrode exceptionally good operating characteristics when vertical downwelding of single pass butt, fillet and lap joints. Weld beads are neat and smooth with a slightlyconcave profile to fillets. The vertical down technique is characterised by high welding speeds andlow heat input, giving enhanced productivity combined with minimum distortion. Cromarod 316LV isideal for joining stainless steel cladding and linings.Coating type:RutileWelding positions:Welding current:DC+, AC OCV > 39VRedrying temperature:350 °C, 2hChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Rp0.2%: 490 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 630 MPaElongation, A5 32%Impact energy, CV:20 °C•60 JFerrite content:FN 6 (WRC-92)Corrosion resistanceGood resistance to general and intergranularcorrosion in the more severe environments e.g.dilute hot acids. Good resistance to chloride pittingcorrosion.Scaling temperature:Approx. 850 °C in air.Approvals:CEProduct data 2,5 300 7441250055-80 24 0,70 96 1,03,2 350 7441320080-115 25 0,71 50 1,5Page 67
65Classification:AWS A5.4E 316L-17EN ISO 3581-A E 19 12 3 L R 53Description:Cromarod 316L-140 is a rutile flux coated, high deposition electrode with a stainless core wire and140% recovery. The electrode is intended for welding in the downhand and horizontal-verticalpositions and is especially suitable for high productivity welding of medium to heavy section 18% Cr /12% Ni / 2.5% Mo austenitic stainless steels. Operability is excellent producing smooth weld beads,slightly concave profile fillet welds, negligible spatter and self-releasing slag. Cromarod 316L-140 isalso suitable for welding the stabilised material grades 347 and 321 if used at service temperaturesbelow 400 °C.Coating type:Rutile, high recovery 140%Welding positions:Welding current:DC+, AC OCV > 39VRedrying temperature:350 °C, 2hChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Rp0.2%: 490 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 600 MPaElongation, A5 35%Impact energy, CV:20 °C•60 JFerrite content:FN 8 (WRC-92)Corrosion resistanceGood resistance to general and intergranularcorrosion in the more severe environments e.g.dilute hot acids. Good resistance to chloride pittingcorrosion.Scaling temperature:Approx. 800 °C in air.Approvals:CEDNVProduct data 2,5 300 7442250060-90 32 0,67 61,0 1,43,2 350 74423200110-130 34 0,77 27 2,24,0 450 74424000130-170 38 0,77 14 35,0 450 74425000170-230 40 0,77 9 4,3Page 68
66Classification:AWS A5.4E316L-15EN ISO 3581-A E 19 12 3 L B 42Description:Basic coated stainless steel electrode for type 316L steel grades.Produces weld metal with higher touhgness at lower temperatures compared to rutile coatedelectrodes. The basic coating results in higher resistance to porosity due to improved gas shield,making the electrode highly suitable for on site welding. Cromarod B316L has an easy slag removaleven in narrow joint preparations, reducing the post weld cleaning time.Applications:Offshore, pipeline, restrained joints.'Coating type:BasicMetal recovery:110%Welding positions:Welding current:DC+Redrying temperature:350 °C, 2hChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Rp0.2%: 470 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 575 MPaElongation, A5 35%Impact energy, CV:-50 °C•80 J-196 °C•45 Jlat exp 0.5 mmFerrite content:FN 5 (WRC 92)Approvals:CEDNVProduct data 2,5 300 7449250050-80 24 0,69 86 0,833,2 350 7449320075-125 25 0,69 43 1,244,0 350 74494000100-165 26 0,69 28 1,94Page 69
67Classification:AWS A5.4E 318-17EN ISO 3581-A E 19 12 3 Nb R 12Description:Cromarod 318 is a niobium stabilised, rutile flux coated electrode designed for welding Nb or Tistabilised 18% Cr / 12% Ni / 3% Mo austenitic stainless steels type 318. The electrode has goodpositional characteristics and produces low spatter levels and good slag detachability. Cromarod 318is primarily intended for service temperatures above 400 °C an can also be used for 316 materialgrades used at elevated temperatures.Coating type:RutileWelding positions:Welding current:DC+, AC OCV > 39VRedrying temperature:350 °C, 2hChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Rp0.2%: 480 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 600 MPaElongation, A5 30%Impact energy, CV:20 °C•70 JFerrite content:FN 5 (WRC-92)Corrosion resistanceGood resistance to general and intergranularcorrosion in dilute hot acids. Good resistance tooxidation and corrosion at elevated temperatures.Scaling temperature:Approx. 850 °C in air.Approvals:CEProduct data 2,5 300 7446250050-80 21 0,61 90 1,03,2 350 7446320080-120 22 0,63 46 1,44,0 350 74464000130-170 22 0,63 30 1,85,0 450 74465000160-220 22 0,65 14 2,8Page 70
68Classification:AWS A5.4E 309L-17EN ISO 3581-A E 23 12 L R 12Description:Cromarod 309L is a rutile flux coated electrode which deposits a 23%Cr / 13%Ni austenitic stainlesssteel weld metal. The high alloy content and ferrite level enable the weld metal to tolerate dilutionfrom mild and low alloy steels without hot cracking or brittle structures.Applications:– Dissimilar joints between stainless and mild or low alloy steels.– Buffer layers on mild and low alloy steels prior to overlaying with Cromarod 308L or Cromarod 347.– Interface runs in clad steel joints.– Joining of clad steels and dissimilar joints between stainless and mild or low alloy steels.– Welding of similar composition 309 type austenitic stainless steels.– Joining ferritic-martensitic 410 and 430 type stainless steels.'Coating type:RutileWelding positions:Welding current:DC+, AC OCV > 39VRedrying temperature:350 °C, 2hChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Rp0.2%: 470 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 560 MPaElongation, A5 34%Impact energy, CV:-20 °C•48 J-60 °C•45 JFerrite content:FN 9 (WRC-92)Corrosion resistanceAs Cromarod 309L is usually used for buffer layersand dissimilar joints, corrosion resistance is ofless importance. Two layers on mild steel is aboutequivalent to 304L type material.Scaling temperature:Approx. 1000 °C in air.Approvals:LRDNVCEBVABSGLProduct data 2,5 300 7439250040-80 27 0,67 83 0,93,2 350 7439320080-120 28 0,67 42 1,44,0 350 74394000100-160 29 0,67 28 1,94,0 450 74394045100-160 29 0,67 21 1,95,0 450 74395000170-230 30 0,65 14 2,8Page 71
69Classification:AWS A5.4E309L-15EN ISO 3581-A E 23 12 L B 42Description:Basic coated electrode type 309L for dissimiliar joint welding, buffer layers and surfacing applications.Coating type:BasicWelding positions:Welding current:DC+Redrying temperature:350 °C, 2hChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Rp0.2%: 470 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 580 MPaElongation, A5 35%Impact energy, CV:-50 °C•60 JFerrite content:FN 10 (WRC 92)Corrosion resistanceAs Cromarod B309L is usually used for bufferlayers and dissimilar joints,corrosion resistance is of less importance. Twolayers on mild steel isabout equivalent to 304L type materialScaling temperature:Approx. 1000 °C in air.Approvals:CEProduct data 2,5 300 7466250050-80 23 0,67 83 0,803,2 350 7466320080-120 24 0,67 41 1,154,0 350 74664000100-160 25 0,67 27 1,854,0 450 74664045100-150 25 0,67 21 1,85Page 72
70Classification:AWS A5.4~E309Nb-15EN ISO 3581-A E 23 12 Nb B 42Description:Cromarod B309LNb is a basic flux coated electrode primarily intended for depositing the first bufferlayer on mild or low alloyed steels, prior to overlaying with Cromarod 347 or Cromarod B347. Theover-alloyed deposit compensates the effect of dilution with the base material, enabling a full 347 typeoverlay to be achieved in the second layer.Coating type:BasicWelding positions:Welding current:DC+Redrying temperature:350 °C, 2hChemical composition, wt.%Ferrite content:FN 13 (WRC 92)Product data 3,2 350 7469320080-120 24 0,67 40 1,14,0 350 74694000100-160 25 0,67 27 1,85,0 450 74695000180-220 26 0,68 19 2,8Page 73
71Classification:AWS A5.4E 309MoL-17EN ISO 3581-A E 23 12 2 L R 32Description:Cromarod 309MoL is a rutile flux coated electrode which deposits a 23% Cr / 12%Ni / 2.5%Moaustenitic stainless steel weld metal. The high alloy content and ferrite level enable the weld metal totolerate dilution from dissimilar and difficult-to-weld materials without hot cracking or brittle structures.Applications:– Dissimilar joints between stainless and mild, low alloy or medium carbon steels.– Buffer layers on mild and low alloy steels prior to overlaying with Cromarod 316L.– Interface runs in 316L clad steels.– Joining of medium carbon hardenable steels e.g. armour plate..'Coating type:RutileWelding positions:Welding current:DC+, AC OCV > 39VRedrying temperature:350 °C, 2hChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Rp0.2%: 555 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 680 MPaElongation, A5 33%Impact energy, CV:-20 °C•50 JFerrite content:FN 20 (WRC-92)Corrosion resistanceThe corrosion resistance after surfacing carbonsteels with two layers of Cromarod 309MoL isabout the same as for 316L material.Scaling temperature:Approx. 1000 °C in air.Approvals:CEABSDNVLRDBRINATÜVProduct data 2,0 300 7434200035-60 26 0,63 135 0,72,5 300 7434250040-80 27 0,64 84 1,13,2 350 7434320080-120 28 0,65 43 1,54,0 350 74344000100-160 29 0,65 29 2,14,0 450 74344045100-160 29 0,65 23 2,15,0 450 74345000150-220 30 0,67 13 3,1Page 74
72Classification:AWS A5.4E 309MoL-17EN ISO 3581-A E 23 12 2 L R 11Description:Cromarod 309MoLP is a fully-positional rutile flux coated electrodespecially designed for applications requiring optimum positional operability. The high alloy contentand ferrite level enables the weld metal to tolerate dilution from dissimilar and difficult-to-weldmaterials without hot cracking.The relatively thin coating and fast-freezing slag makes Cromarod309MoLP particularly suitable for welding dissimilar joints of differing thicknesses e.g. 4 mm stainlessto 7 mm medium carbon steel.Applications:- Dissimilar joints between stainless and mild, low or medium cartbon steels.- Joining of medium carbon hardenable steels, e.g. armour plate.'Coating type:RutileWelding positions:Welding current:DC+, AC OCV > 39VRedrying temperature:350 °C, 2hChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Rp0.2%: 550 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 720 MPaElongation, A5 33%Impact energy, CV:–20 °C•50 JFerrite content:FN 20 (WRC-92)Approvals:CEProduct data 2,5 300 7433250035-80 23 0,66 98 0,93,2 350 7433320040-100 23 0,73 41 1,4Page 75
73Classification:AWS A5.4~E 310-17EN ISO 3581-A E 25 20 R 12Description:Cromarod 310 is a rutile coated electrode primarily intended for welding the 25%Cr / 20%Ni, type310, fully austenitic stainless steels, used for corrosion and oxidation resistance at elevatedtemperatures. Cromarod 310 can also be used to join difficult-to-weld steels such as armour plateand ferritic stainless steels, as well as dissimilar steels. Although the weld metal is fully austenitic thecomposition has been carefully balanced to give good resistance to hot cracking.Coating type:RutileWelding positions:Welding current:DC+, AC OCV > 39VRedrying temperature:350 °C, 2hChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Rp0.2%: 410 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 600 MPaElongation, A5 35%Impact energy, CV:-60 °C•60 JFerrite content:FN 0 (WRC-92)Corrosion resistanceCromarod 310 is designed for high temperatureoxidation applications and its resistance to wetcorrosion is limited.Scaling temperature:Approx. 1150 °C in air. Reducing combustion gas,free of sulphur 1080 °C, maximum 2g S/m3 1040°C .Approvals:CEProduct data 2,5 300 7436250050-70 23 0,67 79 0,73,2 350 7436320070-110 23 0,67 40 1,14,0 350 74364000110-155 25 0,67 27 1,5Page 76
74Classification:AWS A5.4~E 312-17EN ISO 3581-A E 29 9 R 32Description:Cromarod 312 is a rutile flux coated electrode which deposits a 29%Cr /9%Ni austenitic/ferritic stainless steel weld metal with a ferrite content of approximately FN 50. Theweld metal exhibits excellent tolerance to dilution from dissimilar and difficult-to-weld materialswithout hot cracking.Applications:– Difficult-to-weld steels e.g. high carbon hardenable tool, die and spring steels, 13% Mn steels,free-cutting steels, high temperature steels (non-structural).– Dissimilar joints between stainless and high carbon steels.– Surfacing of metal-to-metal wear areas, hot working tools, furnace components.'Coating type:RutileWelding positions:Welding current:DC+, AC OCV > 39VRedrying temperature:350 °C, 2hChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Rp0.2%: 590 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 760 MPaElongation, A5 25%Ferrite content:FN 50 (WRC-92)Corrosion resistanceGood resistance to sulphurous gases at hightemperature. Good resistance to wet corrosion upto approximately 300 °C.Scaling temperature:Approx. 1100 °C in air.Approvals:CEProduct data 2,5 300 7438250040-80 25 0,64 90 1,13,2 350 7438320080-120 26 0,64 47 1,54,0 350 74384000100-160 27 0,65 31 2,1Page 77
75Classification:Description:Cromarod 253 is a special rutile flux coated electrode designed for high temperature stainless steelsof similar composition used at temperatures up to 1150 °C. The electrode is made on a fully alloyedcore wire and deposits a 0.06%C / 22%Cr / 10.5%Ni / 0.17%N weld metal, microalloyed with the rareearth metal cerium to give stable high temperature mechanical and oxidation properties. Cromarod253 runs with a low spatter arc to produce a smooth weld bead finish, easy slag detachability andparticularly good vertical-up operability.Coating type:RutileWelding positions:Welding current:DC+, AC OCV > 39VRedrying temperature:350 °C, 2hChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Rp0.2%: 540 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 700 MPaElongation, A5 35%Impact energy, CV:20 °C•55 J-60 °C•38 JFerrite content:FN 4 (WRC-92)Corrosion resistanceDesigned for high temperature oxidationapplications. Its resistance to wet corrosion islimited.Scaling temperature:Approx. 1150 °C in air.Approvals:CEProduct data 2,5 300 7455250040-80 22 0,65 89 0,73,2 350 7455320070-110 23 0,65 46 1,14,0 350 74554000100-140 24 0,65 30 1,6Page 78
76*This composition is not yet included in ISO 3581.Classification:EN ISO 3581-A~E 23 7 NL R 12 *Description:Cromarod LDX is a rutile coated "Lean Duplex" type electrode for welding stainless steels such asLDX 2101, ASTM S32101. The weld metal is low in Mo, making it the preferred choice forapplications where the corrosive media requires this for corrosion resistance, eg. alkaline corrosiveenvironments. Cromarod LDX could also be used to weld other duplex stainless steels such as ASTMS32304 and S32003 but it has to be verified that corrosion resistance of the weld metal is sufficent forthe specified application.Coating type:RutileWelding positions:Welding current:DC +, AC 0CV > 39VRedrying temperature:350 °C, 2hChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Rp0.2%: 630 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 770 MPaElongation, A5 24%Impact energy, CV:-20 °C•40 J-40 °C•35 JFerrite content:35Corrosion resistanceGood general corrosion resistance.Good SCC resistance due to the duplex microstructure.Low Mo weld metal for alkaline and oxidizingenvironments.PRE=27Scaling temperature:Approx. 850 °C in air.Product data 2,5 300 7467250060-85 24 0,67 81 0,93,2 350 7467320080-120 24 0,68 42 1,34,0 350 74674000125-165 24 0,69 27 1,8Page 79
77Classification:AWS A5.4~E 2209-17EN ISO 3581-A E 22 9 3 N L R 12Description:Cromarod Duplex is a rutile flux coated electrode which deposits a 24%Cr / 10%Ni / 3%Mo / 0.15%Naustenitic-ferritic duplex stainless steel weld metal having a ferrite content of about FN 35. Theelectrode is easy to use and produces a smooth weld bead finish and good slag detachability.Cromarod Duplex is designed for welding similar composition duplex stainless steels which offer anexcellent combination of high strength and very good resistance to chloride induced pitting and stresscorrosion cracking. A heat input range of 0.5-2.5 KJ/mm is recommended to maintain a favourablephase balance. Applications include offshore platform pipework, pipelines transporting chloridebearing products or sour gas and process vessels for chloride environments. Where higher fracturetoughness at -46 °C is required, use Cromarod Duplex B.Coating type:RutileWelding positions:Welding current:DC+, AC OCV > 39VRedrying temperature:350 °C, 2hChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Rp0.2%: 670 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 840 MPaElongation, A5 25%Impact energy, CV:-46 °C•34 JFerrite content:FN 35 (WRC-92)Corrosion resistanceVery good resistance to pitting corrosion andstress corrosion cracking in chloride and H2Senvironments. Good resistance to intergranularcorrosion. Pitting resistance equivalent, PRE = 36Critical pitting temp. CPT = 30 °C (ASTM G48).Scaling temperature:Approx. 850 °C in air.Approvals:LRGLTÜVDNVBVCEProduct data 2,5 300 7452250060-90 24 0,62 92 1,13,2 350 7452320080-120 25 0,64 45 1,44,0 350 74524000130-170 26 0,64 30 2,05,0 450 74525000160-220 30 0,64 14 2,7Page 80
78Classification:AWS A5.4~E 2209-17EN ISO 3581-A E 22 9 3 N L R 12Description:Cromarod Duplex LP is a fully positional rutile flux coated electrode designed specially forpipe-welding. It has a thin coating and fast-frezing slag, making it ideal for root runs. The electrode isintended for welding similar composition duplex stainless steels, e.g. 1.4462, UNS 31803. Withthicker walled pipe it can be advantageous to use Cromarod Duplex LP for the root plus first passesand then continue with ordinary Cromarod Duplex.Coating type:RutileWelding positions:Welding current:DC+, AC OCV > 39VRedrying temperature:350 °C, 2hChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Rp0.2%: 680 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 800 MPaElongation, A5 25%Impact energy, CV:-46 °C•32 JFerrite content:FN 35 (WRC-92)Corrosion resistanceTypical value: PRE 35CPT 30°C (ASTM G48)Approvals:CEProduct data 2,0 300 7459200020-45 21 0,67 145 0,72,5 300 7459250035-85 22 0,75 80 1,03,2 350 7459320050-110 22 0,71 44 1,2Page 81
79Classification:AWS A5.4~E 2209-17EN ISO 3581-A E 22 9 3 N L R 53Description:Cromarod Duplex-140 is a rutile flux coated high deposition electrode with 140% recovery. Itcomplements the normal recovery electrode Cromarod Duplex and is primarily intended for weldingmedium to heavy sections of duplex type stainless steels, e.g. W. 1.4462, SAF 2205, Uranus 45N. Itcan also be used for the lower alloyed duplex types W. 1.4362, SAF 2304 and Uranus 35N. Theelectrode is easy to use and produces smooth weld beads, slightly concave profile fillets andeasy-releasing slag. A heat input range or 0.5-2.5 KJ/mm is recommended to maintain a favourableaustenite-ferrite phase balance.Coating type:Rutile, high recovery 140%Welding positions:Welding current:DC+, AC OCV > 39VRedrying temperature:350 °C, 2hChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Rp0.2%: 640 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 810 MPaElongation, A5 24%Impact energy, CV:20 °C•50 J-20 °C•40 J-40 °C•35JFerrite content:FN 35 (WRC-92)Corrosion resistanceVery good resistance to pitting corrosion andstress corrosion cracking in chloride and H2Senvironments. Good resistance to intergranularcorrosion. Pitting resistance equivalent, PRE = 36.CPT 30°C (ASTM G48)Scaling temperature:Approx. 850 °C in air.Approvals:CEProduct data 3,2 350 74513200110-130 31 0,62 33 1,74,0 450 74514000130-170 32 0,63 18 2,45,0 450 74515000170-230 33 0,63 11 3,4Page 82
80Classification:AWS A5.4E 2209-15EN ISO 3581-A E 22 9 3 NL B 42Description:Cromarod Duplex B is a basic flux coated electrode intended for welding similar composition duplexstainless steels e.g. 1.4462, UNS 31803. The basic coating design produces a very low micro-oxidelevel in the deposit, giving excellent fracture toughness at temperatures down to -46 °C.Duplex stainless steels offer an excellent combination of high strength and very good resistance tochloride induced pitting and stress corrosion cracking.A heat input range of 0,5-2,5 kJ/mm is recommended to maintain a favourable ferrite/austenite phasebalance in the weld metal.Applications:Offshore, platform, pipework, pipelines transporting chloride bearing products, or sour gas andprocess vessels for chloride environments.'Coating type:BasicMetal recovery:110%Welding positions:Welding current:DC+Redrying temperature:350 °C, 2hChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Rp0.2%: 630 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 790 MPaElongation, A5 27%Impact energy, CV:-40 °C•65 J-50 °C•60 JFerrite content:FN 35 (WRC-92)Corrosion resistanceTypical value: PRE 36CPT 30°C (ASTM G48)Approvals:CEProduct data 2,5 300 7462250050-80 24 0,65 87 0,83,2 350 7462320075-120 25 0,68 43 1,44,0 350 74624000120-175 27 0,68 28 1,9Page 83
81Classification:AWS A5.4E2594-17EN ISO 3581-A E 25 9 4 N L R 12Description:Cromarod 2507R is a rutile flux coated electrode which deposits a 25%Cr/9.0%Ni / 4.0%Mo / 0.25%N super dupex type stainless steel weld metal with a ferrite content ofapproximately FN 57. The electrode is designed for welding similar composition steels e.g. SAF 2507,Uranus 52N, Zeron 100, which offer even higher strength and corrosion resistance levels than theordinary duplex grades. A heat input range of 0.4-1.5 KJ/mm is recommended to maintain afavourable phase balance in the weld metal and avoid unfavourable precipitation effects in the plate.Applications include offshore platform pipework for seawater cooling systems and firefighting water,as well as pumps, valves and risers. Where good fracture toughness at temperatures down to -40 °Cis required, use Cromarod 2507B.Coating type:RutileWelding positions:Welding current:DC+, AC OCV > 39VRedrying temperature:350 °C, 2hChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Rp0.2%: 700 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 900 MPaElongation, A5 22%Impact energy, CV:20 °C•35 JFerrite content:FN 50-55 (WRC-92)Corrosion resistanceVery good resistance to pitting corrosion andstress corrosion cracking in chloride and H2Senvironments. Good resistance to intergranularcorrosion. Pitting resistance equivalent, PRE = 42.Critical pitting temperature CPT = 40°C (ASTMG48).Scaling temperature:Approx. 850°C in air.Approvals:CEDNVProduct data 2,50 300 7453250060-90 22 0,50 110 1,13,25 350 7453320080-120 23 0,55 53 1,54,00 350 74534000130-170 24 0,55 35 2,3Page 84
82Classification:AWS A5.4E2594-15EN ISO 3581-A E 25 9 4 N L B 12Description:Cromarod 2507B is a basic flux coated electrode which deposits a25%Cr / 9.0%Ni / 4.0%Mo / 0.25%N super dupex type stainless steel weld with a ferrite content ofapproximately FN 40. It is designed to give very good fracture toughness at temperatures down to -40°C. The electrode is intended for welding similar composition steels e.g. SAF 2507, Uranus 52N,Zeron 100, which offer even higher strength and corrosion resistance levels than the ordinary duplexgrades. A heat input range of 0.4-1.5 KJ/mm is recommended to maintain a favourable phasebalance in the weld metal and avoid unfavourable precipitation effects in the plate. Applicationsinclude offshore platform pipework for seawater cooling systems and firefighting water, as well aspumps, valves and risers.Coating type:BasicWelding positions:Welding current:DC+Redrying temperature:350 °C, 2hChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Rp0.2%: 750 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 900 MPaElongation, A5 24%Impact energy, CV:-40 °C•55 JFerrite content:FN 50-55 (WRC -92)Corrosion resistanceVery good resistance to pitting corrosion andstress corrosion cracking in chloride and H2Senvironments. Good resistance to intergranularcorrosion. Pitting resistance equivalent, PRE = 41.Critical pitting temperature CPT = 40°C (ASTMG48).Scaling temperature:Approx. 850°C in air.Approvals:CEProduct data 2,5 300 7457250060-90 23 0,71 79 1,03,2 350 7457320080-120 24 0,71 41 1,44,0 350 74574000130-170 26 0,73 26 2,0Page 85
83Classification:AWS A5.4~E383-17EN ISO 3581-A E 27 31 4 Cu L R 12Description:Cromarod 383 is a rutile flux coated electrode specially designed for high alloyed fully austeniticstainless steels of similar composition e.g. Sandvik Sanicro 28. It deposits a 27%Cr / 31%Ni /3.5%Mo / 1%Cu weld metal with exceptionally good corrosion resistance in non-oxidising acidenvironments, e.g. sulphuric and phosphoric. With a PRE of approximately 40, the electrode haseven higher resistance to pitting corrosion than Cromarod 385.Coating type:RutileWelding positions:Welding current:DC+, AC OCV > 39VRedrying temperature:350 °C, 2hChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Rp0.2%: 400 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 600 MPaElongation, A5 35%Impact energy, CV:20 °C•55 JFerrite content:FN 0 (WRC-92)Approvals:CEProduct data 2,0 300 7464200025-50 21 0,64 140 0,502,5 300 7464250045-75 21 0,60 88 0,63,2 350 7464320070-110 22 0,63 44 1,04,0 350 7464400030-170 25 0,64 29 1,9Page 86
84Classification:AWS A5.4~E 385-17EN ISO 3581-A E 20 25 5 Cu N L R 12Description:Cromarod 385 is a rutile flux coated electrode designed for welding the fully austenitic stainless steelsof the 20%Cr / 25%Ni / 4.5%Mo / Cu type, used for their very high resistance to corrosion in severe,non-oxidising environments e.g. sulphuric acid. The low carbon, high alloy content of Cromarod 385weld metal gives excellent resistance to intergranular corrosion and stress corrosion cracking,combined with superior resistance to crevice and pitting corrosion. Use no preheat, avoid highheat-input and maintain an interpass temperature of maximum 150 °C.For very severe corrosion environments a special variant of this electrode, with a Mo content of 6%, isavailable to order.Coating type:RutileWelding positions:Welding current:DC+, AC OCV > 39VRedrying temperature:350 °C, 2hChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Rp0.2%: 380 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 580 MPaElongation, A5 35%Impact energy, CV:20 °C•55 JFerrite content:FN 0 (WRC-92)Corrosion resistanceVery good resistance to general and intergranularcorrosion in non-oxidising acid environments e.g.sulphuric (up to 90%), phosphoric and organicacids. Good resistance to stress corrosion inchloride bearing environments.Scaling temperature:Approx. 1000 °C in air.Approvals:CEProduct data 2,5 300 7450250040-80 24 0,53 101 1,13,2 350 7450320080-120 25 0,58 50 1,54,0 350 74504000130-170 26 0,58 33 2,3Page 87
85Classification:EN ISO 14172E Ni 6182AWS A5.11 E NiCrFe-3Description:Cromarod 82 is a basic flux coated nickel-base electrode intended for welding Inconel 600 and similarcomposition alloys. The deposit tolerates high dilution levels and is very resistant to hot cracking. It isnot susceptible to sigma phase embrittlement or carbon migration and is therefore ideal for service atelevated temperatures.Cromarod 82 is highly suitable for a wide range of dissimilar joint combinations between nickel-basealloys, Monels, mild and low alloy steels and austenitic stainless steels. It can also be used to cladcarbon steels with an Inconel type surface. The weld metal exhibits very good fracture toughness attemperatures down to -196 °C and is suitable for welding 5% and 9% nickel steels for cryogenicapplications.Coating type:BasicWelding positions:Welding current:DC+Redrying temperature:350 °C, 2hChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Rp0.2%: 380 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 630 MPaElongation, A5 39%Impact energy, CV:-196 °C•80 JFerrite content:FN 0 (WRC-92)Corrosion resistanceVery good resistance to general and intergranularcorrosion. Very good resistance to stresscorrosion cracking.High temperature properties:The weld metal is resistant to oxidation– in air up to 1100 °CApprovals:CEProduct data 2,5 300 7454250045-70 25-273,2 350 7454320070-110 25-27Page 88
86Classification:EN ISO 14172E Ni 6625AWS A5.11 E NiCrMo-3Description:Cromarod 625 is a basic flux coated nickel-base electrode intended for welding Inconel 625 andsimilar composition alloys which are primarily used for their excellent corrosion and oxidationresistance. They exhibit an exceptionally high resistance to pitting corrosion and chloride inducedstress corrosion cracking. The electrode is very suitable for a wide range of dissimilar jointcombinations between nickel-base alloys, mild and low alloy steels and stainless steels, especiallywhere high temperature service conditions prevail. It can also be used to clad carbon steels with ahigh strength, highly corrosion resistant surface. Cromarod 625 weld metal gives good fracturetoughness at temperatures down to -196 °C and is suitable for welding 5% and 9% nickel steels forcryogenic applications.Coating type:BasicWelding positions:Welding current:DC +Redrying temperature:350 °C, 2hChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Rp0.2%: 530 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 770 MPaElongation, A5 36%Impact energy, CV:20°C•60 J-196 °C • 43 JFerrite content:FN 0 (WRC-92)Corrosion resistanceVery good resistance to general and intergranularcorrosion. Maximum resistance (practicallyimmune) to pitting corrosion, crevice corrosion andstress corrosion cracking in chloride bearingenvironments.High temperature properties:Non-scaling in air up to 1150 °C. Very high tensilestrength and yield strength up to approx. 850 °C(Rp 0.2% ~400 MPa.Approvals:CEProduct data 2,5 300 7456250045-70 25 0,67 80 0,93,2 300 7456320060-105 26 0,71 49 1,44,0 350 7456400085-130 27 0,71 26 1,75,0 450 74565000130-190 28 0,70 13 2,6Page 89
8787Elgaloy Hard 30 .................................................88Elgaloy Hard 60 .................................................89Elgaloy Hard 100 ...............................................90Elgaloy Mix 18 ..................................................91Elgaloy Mix 18B ................................................92Elgaloy Cast-Ni ..................................................93Elgaloy Cast-NiFe ..............................................94Electrodes for MMA welding formaintenance and repairPage 90
88Classification:EN 14700 E Fe1Description:Elgaloy Hard 30 deposits a martensitic type weld metal with a hardness of around 35 HRC. Suitableas a build-up material or buffer layer under a harder weld metal. The deposit has moderate abrasionresistance, very good impact resistance and is machinable. Also available as a self-shielded flux coredwire, Elgaloy Hard R 30.Applications:Rails, roller guides, mill rolls, track wheels, tractor rolls and idler wheels etc.Coating type:BasicWelding positions:Welding current:DC+, ACChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalHardness as welded: 360 - 430 HB,380 - 450 HV 10Product data:Diam.mmCurrent A3,2x450 70303210 100-140Page 91
89Classification:EN 14700 E Z Fe2Description:Elgaloy Hard 60 produces a martensitic weld metal with a hardness of about 57-60 HRC. Thecrack-free deposit has good wear resistance under conditions of abrasion and friction coupled withmoderate impact. Also available as a self-shielded flux cored wire, Elgaloy Hard R 60.Applications:Excavator teeth, bulldozer blades, swing hammers, crusher jaws, scrapers etc.Coating type:BasicWelding positions:Welding current:DC+, ACChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalHardness as welded: 57 - 60 HRC,640 - 690 HV 10Product data:Diam.mmCurrent A3,2x450 70313210 110-1504,0x450 70314010 150-190Page 92
90Classification:EN 14700 E Fe14Description:Elgaloy Hard 100 is a high recovery electrode, producing a weld metal deposit extremely rich inchromium carbides which is highly resistant to abrasion but exhibits limited impact resistance. Ideal forhardsurfacing components used in the mining and quarrying industries. Good wear and corrosionresistance at elevated temperatures. Surface cracking is normal and can be reduced by preheating to250-450°C. A buffer layer of Elgaloy Mix 18 is recommended for heavy build-ups or surfacing 13% Mnsteels to prevent crack propagation into base material. Deposits are not machinable but can beground. Also available as a self-shielded flux cored wire, Elgaloy Hard R 100 and as a flux coatedtubular electrode, Elgaloy Tube 100, designed to give high deposition rates at very low weldingcurrents.Guide for usage:The electrode is preferably to be used with DC+, to create a thick build up also AC is possible to use.Applications:Excavator teeth, dredger bucket lips, sizing screens, rollers, screw conveyors, scraper and mixerblades, crusher jaws and hammers, chutes, agricultureimplements, rolling mill guides sinter plant.Coating type:SpecialWelding positions:Welding current:DC+, (AC)Chemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalHardness as welded: 58-61 HRC, 700- 740 HV10Product data:Diam.mmCurrent A3,2x350 70343210 115-1404,0x450 70344010 140-190Page 93
91Classification:EN ISO 3581-A E 18 8 Mn R 53AWS A5.4 ~E 307-26Description:Elgaloy Mix 18 is a rutile-coated, 160% recovery electrode of the 307 type, intended for joining andbuilding up 13% Mn steels and welding armour plate and difficult-to-weld steels, without the need forpreheat. It is also recommended for dissimilar joints between stainless and mild or medium carbonsteels. In contrast to Elgaloy Mix 29, welds produced with Elgaloy Mix 18 can be stress-relievedwithout risk of sigma-phase formation and consequent loss of ductility. The deposit work hardens from200 HV to 450 HV. Also available as a self-shielded flux cored wire, Elgaloy Mix 18 R.Applications:Buffer layer on 13% Mn steels used in rock crushing and earth moving equipment prior to surfacingwith Elgaloy 100, and also rails, rail crossings, frogs etc. without preheat.Coating type:RutileWelding positions:Welding current:DC+, ACChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Rp0.2%: 475 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 660 MPaElongation, A5 40 %Hardness:Hardness as welded: 200 HVProduct data:Diam.mmCurrent A2,5x350 70402510 70-1153,2x350 70403210 90-1554,0x450 70404010 130-2105,0x450 70405010 160-260Page 94
92Classification:EN ISO 3581-A E 18 8 Mn B 12AWS A5.4 ~E 307-15Description:Elgaoly Mix 18B is an all positional basic-coated electrode which deposits a 19% Cr / 9% Ni / 6% Mnfully austenitic stainless steel weld metal with excellent toughness and crack resistance. It is intendedfor joining hardenable steels, armour plate, 13% Mn steels and difficult-to-weld steels, without theneed for preheat. It is also recommended for dissimilar joints between stainless and mild or mediumcarbon steels. Welds produced with Elgaloy Mix 18B can be PWHT without risk of sigma-phaseformation and consequent loss of ductility. The deposit work hardens from 200 HV to 450HV.Applications:Buffer layers on 13% Mn steels used in rock crushing and earth moving equipment, prior tohardfacing. Reclaiming 13% Mn steels. Surfacing of rails, rail crossings, frogs etc. Buffer layers inhighly restrained repair work.Coating type:BasicWelding current:DC+Chemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Rp0.2%: 440N/mm2Tensile Strength, Rm: 650N/mm2Elongation, A5 40%Hardness as welded: 200 HVProduct data:Diam.mmCurrent A3,2x350 70413210 80-1104,0x350 70414010 110-150Page 95
93Classification:EN-ISO 1071 E C Ni-CI 3AWS A5.15 E Ni-CIDescription:Elgaloy Cast-Ni is a pure nickel electrode for general purpose welding of all types of cast iron. It issuitable for the joining and repair of grey and malleable cast irons and dissimilar joints between theseand steel, monel and stainless steels. The electrode will tolerate dirty and contaminated surfaces. Nopreheat is required for small castings and thin sections up to 15 mm. Above this, preheat up to about150°C is recommended.Joint surfaces should be prepared by gouging with Elgaloy Cut or grinding. Select smallest diameterelectrode practical, deposit short thin stepped layers and lightly peen the weld beads during welding toreduce shrinkage strains. Avoid arc striking on the base metal. On completion allow the work piece tocool slowly. The deposit is soft and fully machinable.Applications:Grey and malleable cast irons, machine bases, engine blocks and gear housings.Coating type:SpecialWelding positions:Welding current:DC+/(-), ACChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalTensile Strength, Rm: 240-290 MPaElongation, A5 8%Hardness as welded: 150-170 HVProduct data:Diam.mmCurrent A2,5x300 70512510 50-903,2x350 70513210 80-120Page 96
94Classification:EN-ISO 1071 E C NiFe-1 3AWS A5.15-90 E NiFe-CIDescription:Elgaloy Cast-NiFe is designed to produce a higher, matching strength weld metal for joining malleable,nodular and S.G. irons. It is also suitable for joining these to mild, low alloy and stainless steels.Elgaloy Cast-NiFe is less sensitive to hot cracking sometimes caused by impurities in castings,compared to pure nickel type electrodes. Thin sections can be welded cold, but thicker sections mayrequire preheat of approx. 150-300°C. When welding without preheat, use low heat input method.Lightly peen weld beads during welding of thicker sections. On completion allow the workpiece to coolslowly. The deposit is fully machinable.Applications:Spheroidal graphite, nodular and ductile cast irons e.g, machine bases, transmission housings, gearboxes, engine blocks and pump bodies.Coating type:SpecialWelding positions:Welding current:DC+/-, ACChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Rp0.2%: 320-360 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 400-450 MPaElongation, A5 8%Hardness as welded: 180-200 HVProduct data:Diam.mmCurrent A2,5x300 70522510 50-903,2x350 70523210 80-120Page 97
9595RutileElgacore DWA 50 ..............................................96Elgacore DWX 50 ..............................................97Elgacore DWA 52F ............................................98Elgacore DWA 55E ............................................99Elgacore DW 588 ............................................100BasicElgacore DWA 51B .......................................... 101Metal CoreElgacore MXA 100 ..........................................102Elgacore MXX 100 ..........................................103Elgacore MXA 100LF .......................................104Elgacore MXA 100XP ......................................105Elgacore MX 100T ...........................................106Cored wires for welding of ferriticsteels; UnalloyedPage 98
96Classification:AWS A5.20 E 71T-1MEN ISO 17632-A T 42 2 P M 1 H5Description:Elgacore DWA 50 is a rutile flux cored wire for use with an Ar/CO2 gas shield. The wire isall-positional and runs with a very stable, soft arc producing excellent weld bead shape and finish withnegligible spatter. The slag is easily detachable and fume emission is very low. It is suitable forwelding mild and medium strength carbon manganese structural steels and produces excellent rootbeads on ceramic backing. Ease of use and high productivity, in combination with good mechanicalproperties and a weld metal hydrogen content less than 5 ml/100g, make Elgacore DWA 50 anextremely versatile general purpose cored wire.Welding positions:Welding current:DC+Deposition efficiency:88%Shielding gas:M21, 80% Ar + 20% CO2, 22-25 l/minStick-out:15-25 mmChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Re: 520 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 590 MPaElongation, A5 28%Impact energy, CV:–20°C•75 JHydrogen content / 100 g weld metal≤ 5 mlApprovals:ABSDNVLRDBMRSTÜVGLRINABVCERecommended parameter range:Deposition rate per hour:Product data: 1,2 95601012 15 kg BS3001,2 95602112 5 kg D2001,2 95602212 250 kg ProPac1,6 95602016 12,5 kg D300Page 99
97Classification:AWS A5.20 E 71T-1C/-1MEN ISO 17632-A T 42 2 P C/M 1 H5Description:Elgacore DWX 50 is a rutile flux cored wire for use with an Ar/CO2 or straight CO2 gas shield.Elgacore DWX 50 is mainly developed for welding on thinner materials where low current and smallfillets are required. The wire is all-positional and runs with a very stable, soft arc producing excellentweld bead shape and finish with negligible spatter. The slag is easily detachable and fume emissionis very low. It is suitable for welding mild and medium strength carbon manganese structural steelsand produces excellent root beads on ceramic backing. Ease of use and high productivity, incombination with good mechanical properties and a weld metal hydrogen content less than 5ml/100g, makes Elgacore DWX 50 an extremely versatile cored wire for material thicknesses down to5mm.Welding positions:Welding current:DC+Deposition efficiency:88%Shielding gas:M21,80% Ar+20% CO2, 22-25 l/minC1, 100% CO2, 22-25 l/minStick-out:15-25 mmChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Re: 540 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 600 MPaElongation, A5 28%Impact energy, CV:–20°C•75 JHydrogen content / 100 g weld metal≤ 5 mlApprovals:ABSGLDNVLRRINAMRSCERecommended parameter range:Deposition rate per hour:Product data: 1,2 95872112 5 kg D2001,2 95871012 15 kg BS3001,2 95871112 5 kg BS2001,6 95871016 15 kg BS300Page 100
98Classification:AWS A5.20 E71T-1MEN ISO 17632-A T 42 2 R M 1 H5Description:Elgacore DWA 52F is a rutile flux cored wire especially designed for welding standing fillets (2F/PB),and produces a mitre bead profile and exceptionally smooth bead surface. This wire operates with asoft but deep penetrating arc which produces negligible spatter loss combined with easy slagremoval.Welding positions:Welding current:DC+Deposition efficiency:90%Shielding gas:M21, 80% Ar + 20% CO2, 22-25 l/min.Stick-out:15-25 mmChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Re: 500 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 590 MPaElongation, A5 30%Impact energy, CV:–20°C•65JHydrogen content / 100 g weld metal≤ 5 mlApprovals:Recommended parameter range:Deposition rate per hour:Product data: 1,2 95502012 15 kg D3001,4 95502014 15 kg D300Page 101
99Classification:AWS A5.20 E 71T-9MJEN ISO 17632-A T 42 4 P M 1 H5Description:Elgacore DWA 55E is a rutile flux cored wire for use with an Ar/CO2 gas shield and deposits a 0.4%Ni alloyed weld metal designed to meet requirements for very good fracture toughness attemperatures down to –40°C. The wire has excellent welding characteristics in all positions and verylow fume emission. With its good weld metal ductility and hydrogen content of around 5 ml/100 g,Elgacore DWA 55E is recommended for high integrity fabrication of medium to heavy sections instructural steelwork, shipbuilding and pipeline construction.Welding positions:Welding current:DC+Deposition efficiency:87%Shielding gas:M21, 80% Ar + 20% CO2, 22-25 l/minStick-out:15-25 mmChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Re: 570 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 630 MPaElongation, A5 27%Impact energy, CV:–40°C•80 JHydrogen content / 100 g weld metal≤ 5 mlApprovals:ABSLRDNVDBTÜVMRSBVGLNAKSCERecommended parameter range:Deposition rate per hour:Product data: 1,2 95641012 15 kg BS3001,2 95642112 5 kg D2001,6 95641016 15 kg BS300Page 102
100Classification:EN ISO 17632-A T 50 2 Z P C 1 H10Description:Elgacore DW 588 is a rutile flux cored wire for use with a CO2 gas shield and deposits a 0.5% Ni /0.5% Cr / 0.4% Cu weld metal designed for welding weather-resisting steels similar to Cor-Ten. Theweld metal also resists preferential corrosion in seawater. Elgacore DW 588 is all-positional and runswith a very stable, smooth arc. The combination of negligible spatter, easily detached slag andsmooth bead finish minimises the need for post-weld dressing and contributes to increasedproductivity.Welding positions:Welding current:DC+Deposition efficiency:87%Shielding gas:C1, 100% CO2, 22-25 l/minStick-out:15-25 mmChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Re: 530 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 610 MPaElongation, A5 26%Impact energy, CV:–30°C•50 JHydrogen content / 100 g weld metal≤ 5 mlApprovals:Recommended parameter range:Deposition rate per hour:Product data: 1,2 95582012 15 kg D300Page 103
101Classification:AWS A5.20 E 71T-5MJEN ISO 17632-A T 42 2 B M 1 H5Description:Elgacore DWA 51B is a basic flux cored wire with excellent operating characteristics and is suitablefor steels with a tensile strength up to 600 N/mm2. It produces weld metal with superior crackresistance under difficult conditions of high restraint and exhibits good low temperature fracturetoughness. Weld deposit hydrogen levels are typically 3 ml/100 g. Elgacore DWA 51B welds with astable arc and gives high deposition rates with low spatter levels in the flat and horizontal-verticalpositions.Applications:Recommended for multipass welding of medium and thick section carbon-manganese steels used forshipbuilding, bridge construction and heavy machinery and plant.Welding positions:Welding current:DC -/+Deposition efficiency:86%Shielding gas:M21, 80% Ar + 20% CO2, 22-25 l/minStick-out:15-25 mmChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Re: 490 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 600 MPaElongation, A5 30%Impact energy, CV:–20°C•100 J–40°C•65 JHydrogen content / 100 g weld metal≤ 5 mlApprovals:TÜVDBCERecommended parameter range:Deposition rate per hour:Product data: 1,2 95572012 15 kg D300Page 104
102Classification:AWS A5.18 E 70C-6MEN ISO 17632-A T 42 4 M M 3 H5Description:Elgacore MXA 100 is a metal cored wire for use with an Ar/CO2 gas shield, designed for highproductivity welding in the horizontal and horizontal-vertical positions. The wire runs with a stable, lowspatter and deep penetrating arc. The slag produced is of a very low level, similar to that from a solidwire and inter-run deslagging is not necessary. Combined with a highly reliable arc-start, thesecharacteristics make Elagacore MXA 100 an ideal choice for robotic or mechanised welding. ElgacoreMXA 100 produces a very low hydrogen weld metal and good mechanical properties. Suitable forgeneral fabrication and structural steels.Welding positions:Welding current:DC+Deposition efficiency:96%Shielding gas:M21, 80% Ar + 20% CO2, 22-25 l/minStick-out:15-25 mmChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Re: 460 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 555 MPaElongation, A5 30%Impact energy, CV:–40°C•80 JHydrogen content / 100 g weld metal≤ 5 mlApprovals:TÜVGLABSDBLRMRSCERecommended parameter range:Deposition rate per hour:Product data: 1,2 95621012 15 kg BS3001,2 95622112 5 kg D2001,2 95622212 250 kg ProPac1,4 95621014 15 kg BS3001,4 95622214 250 kg ProPacPage 105
103Classification:AWS A5.18 E 70C-6M/-6CEN ISO 17632-A T 42 2 M C/M 1 H5Description:Elgacore MXX 100 is a fully positional metal cored wire for use with Ar/CO2 or CO2 shielding gas.Specially designed for manual or mechanised welding of thinner and medium thick material. Excellentwelding characteristics with a spatter-free arc, producing little slag and offering good resistance toporosity. Elgacore MXX 100 combines ease of use, high productivity and good mechanical propertiesdown to -30°C. Superior wire feeding and a weld hydrogen content less than 5 ml/100g. Suitable forwelding mild and medium strength carbon manganese structural steels.Applications:Applications include general fabrication, structural steelwork, bridge building and shipbuilding.Welding positions:Welding current:DC+Deposition efficiency:96%Shielding gas:M21, 80% Ar + 20% CO2, 22-25 l/minC1, CO2, 22-25 l/minStick-out:15-25 mmChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Re: 450 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 570 MPaElongation, A5 29%Impact energy, CV:–20°C•100 J–30°C•75 JHydrogen content / 100 g weld metal≤ 5 mlApprovals:DNVGLLRDBTÜVCERecommended parameter range:Deposition rate per hour:Product data: 1,2 95551012 15 kg BS3001,2 95552112 5 kg D2001,2 95552212 250 kg ProPac1,4 95551014 15 kg BS3001,4 95552214 250 kg ProPacPage 106
104Classification:AWS A5.18 E 70C-6MEN ISO 17632-A T 42 2 M M 1 H5Description:Elgacore MXA 100LF is a fully positional metal cored wire for use with Ar/CO2 shielding gas.Specially designed for manual or mechanised welding of thinner and medium thick material. Excellentwelding characteristics with a spatter-free arc, producing little slag and fume and offering goodresistance to porosity. Elgacore MXA 100LF combines ease of use, high productivity and goodmechanical properties down to -20°C. Superior wire feeding and a weld hydrogen content less than 5ml/100g. Suitable for welding mild and medium strength carbon manganese structural steels.Applications:Applications include general fabrication, structural steelwork, bridge building and shipbuilding.Welding positions:Welding current:DC+Deposition efficiency:96%Shielding gas:M21, 80% Ar + 20% CO2, 22-25 l/minStick-out:15-25 mmMechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Re: 445 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 552 MPaElongation, A5 31%Impact energy, CV:–20°C•87 JHydrogen content / 100 g weld metal≤ 5 mlApprovals:Recommended parameter range:Deposition rate per hour:Product data: 1,2 95561012 15 kg BS3001,4 95561014 15 kg BS3001,2 95562212 250 kg ProPac1,4 95562214 250 kg ProPacPage 107
105Classification:AWS A5.18 E 70C-6MEN ISO 17632-A T 46 4 M M 1 H5Description:Elgacore MXA 100XP is a highly versatile metal cored wire for use with an Ar/CO2 gas shield,designed for high productivity manual or mechanised welding. It is fully positional, includingexceptionally good vertical down operability using negative polarity. For all other positions, apart fromvertical down, either DC – or DC + may be employed with equally good stable, low spatter arccharacteristics. Elgacore MXA 100XP has good fracture toughness down to –40°C and with itssuperior wire feeding and weld hydrogen content less than 5 ml/g is ideal for general fabrication,structural steelwork and shipbuilding.Welding positions:Welding current:DC- / DC+Deposition efficiency:96%Shielding gas:M21, 80% Ar + 20% CO2, 22-25 l/minStick-out:15-25 mmChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Re: 485 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 580 MPaElongation, A5 27%Impact energy, CV:–40°C•110JHydrogen content / 100 g weld metal≤ 5 mlApprovals:DNVLRGLTÜVCERecommended parameter range:Deposition rate per hour:Product data: 1,2 95671012 15 kg BS3001,2 95671112 5 kg BS2001,2 95672112 5 kg D2001,2 95672212 250 kg ProPac1,4 95671014 15 kg BS3001,4 95672214 250 kg ProPacPage 108
106Classification:AWS A5.18 E 70C-6M/-6CEN ISO 17632-A T 42 2 M C/M 1 H5Description:Elgacore MX 100T is a metal cored wire for use with a CO2 or Ar/CO2 gas shield, specially designedfor single-sided welding of thinner section material. The wire is all-positional and runs with a verystable, spatter-free arc even under dip transfer conditions at welding currents as low as 50 A. Rootpasses normally made with the TIG or MMA process can be carried out with Elgacore MX 100T togive significantly increased productivity, making the wire particularly suitable for pipe welding.Elgacore MX 100T has good notch toughness properties down to –30°C and is recommended forgeneral fabrication and structural steel work.Welding positions:Welding current:DC+Deposition efficiency:96%Shielding gas:M21, 80% Ar + 20% CO2, 22-25 l/minC1, CO2, 22-25 l/minStick-out:15-25 mmChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Re: 450 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 570 MPaElongation, A5 29%Impact energy, CV:–20°C•100 J–30°C•75 JHydrogen content / 100 g weld metal≤ 5 mlApprovals:GLLRMRSDNVDBTÜVCERecommended parameter range:Deposition rate per hour:Product data: 1,2 95651012 15 kg BS3001,2 95651112 5 kg BS200Page 109
107107RutileElgacore DWA 55Ni1 ....................................... 108Elgacore DWA 55L ..........................................109Elgacore DWA 55LSR .....................................110Elgacore DWA 65L ..........................................111Elgacore DWA 65Ni1Mo ..................................113Elgacore R690 .................................................114Metal CoreElgacore MXA 55T ..........................................112Elgacore M690 ................................................ 115Cored wires for welding of ferriticsteels; Low alloyedPage 110
108Classification:AWS A5.29 E81T1-Ni1MJEN ISO 17632-A T 46 6 1Ni P M 2 H5Description:Elgacore DWA 55Ni1 is a rutile flux cored wire producing a nominal 0.9%Ni, micro-alloyed weldmetal, for use in severely demanding applications such as offshore fabrication.The wire runs with asmooth but forceful arc and exhibits exceptional all-positional operability combined with highproductivity. Elgacore DWA 55Ni1 offers a universal flux cored wire to a broad range of usersrequiring NACE conformity, very good fracture toughness in both the as-welded and stress relievedcondition, and reliable CTOD values.Welding positions:Welding current:DC+Deposition efficiency:87%Shielding gas:M21, 80% Ar + 20% CO2, 22-25 l/minStick-out:15-25 mmChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Rp0.2%: 550 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 610 MPaElongation, A5 28%Impact energy, CV:–60°C•75 JHydrogen content / 100 g weld metal≤ 5 mlApprovals:DNVLRRecommended parameter range:Deposition rate per hour:Product data: 1,2 95592012 15 kg D3001,2 95592112 5 kg D200Page 111
109Classification:AWS A5.29 E 81T1-K2MEN ISO 17632-A T 46 6 1,5 Ni P M 1 H5Description:Elgacore DWA 55L is a rutile flux cored wire designed to meet extremely high weld integrity demandsin applications such as offshore fabrication. The micro-alloyed design, in combination with the 1.5%Ni alloying level, produces exceptionally good fracture toughness down to –60°C. Impact strength istolerant to a wide range of heat-input and preheat/interpass conditions. The all-positional wireoperates with a smooth but forceful arc to give very good penetration characteristics when weldinghorizontally, combined with high deposition rates when welding vertically up. Elgacore DWA 55L isextensively CTOD tested from –10°C down to –40°C. Results from 50 & 60mm plate thickness showCTOD values of 0.40 - 0.80mm at –40°C.Welding positions:Welding current:DC+Deposition efficiency:87%Shielding gas:M21, 80% Ar + 20% CO2, 22-25 l/minStick-out:15-25 mmChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Re: 550 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 620 MPaElongation, A5 27%Impact energy, CV: –60°C • 75 JHydrogen content / 100 g weld metal≤ 5 mlApprovals:LRABSGLDNVMRSTUVDBBVNAKSCERecommended parameter range:Deposition rate per hour:Product data: 1,0 95612010 12,5 kg D3001,2 95611012 15 kg BS3001,2 95612012 15 kg D3001,2 95612112 5 kg D200Page 112
110Classification:AWS A5.29 E 81 T1-Ni1MEN ISO 17632-A T 46 6 Z P M 1 H5Description:Elgacore DWA 55LSR is a rutile flux cored wire producing a nominal 0.9 % Ni weld metal thattolerates PWHT without degradation of mechanical properties. It is designed to give excellent fracturetoughness at temperatures down to –60°C, both in the as-welded and stress relieved condition. Thewire offers exceptional all-positional operability combined with high productivity and is especiallysuitable for pipe welding. Elgacore DWA 55LSR fulfils NACE requirements for oil and gas productionequipment in sour service and also has excellent CTOD values, making it a natural choice foroffshore applications.Welding positions:Welding current:DC+Chemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Re: 500 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 570 MPaElongation, A5 30%Impact energy, CV:–60°C•80 JHydrogen content / 100 g weld metal≤ 5 mlApprovals:DNVABSBVCERecommended parameter range:Deposition rate per hour:Product data: 1,2 95522012 12,5 kg D3001,2 95522112 5 kg D200Page 113
111Classification:AWS A5.29 E91T1-K2MJEN ISO 18276-A T 55 4 Z P M 2 H5Description:Elgacore DWA 65L is a rutile flux cored wire designed to meet extremely high weld integrity demandsin applications such as offshore fabrication. The micro-alloyed design, in combination with the 1.7%Ni, 0,1% Mo alloying level, produces excellent fracture toughness down to –40°C, whilst ensuring agood safety margin of yield strength in 500 MPa steel. Impact strength is tolerant to a wide range ofheat-input and preheat/interpass conditions. The all-positional wire operates with a smooth butforceful arc to give very good penetration characteristics when welding horizontally, combined withhigh deposition rates when welding vertically up. Elgacore DWA 65L is CTOD tested.Applications:500 Mpa base material in Offshore constructionsWelding positions:Welding current:DC+Deposition efficiency:87%Shielding gas:M21, 80% Ar + 20% CO2, 22-25 l/minStick-out:15-25 mmChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Re: 620 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 690 MPaElongation, A5 25%Impact energy, CV:–40°C•80 JHydrogen content / 100 g weld metal≤ 5 mlApprovals:Recommended parameter range:Deposition rate per hour:Product data: 1,2 95882012 15 kg D300Page 114
112Classification:AWS A5.28 E80C-GEN ISO 17632-A T 46 6 1,5Ni M M 1 H5Description:Elgacore MXA 55T is an all-positional metal cored wire producing a 1.7% Ni alloyed weld metal withvery good fracture toughness down to –60°C. It is specially designed for single-sided welding, but isequally suitable for multi-pass applications in thick plate, utilising its excellent deep penetrationcharacteristics in the spray transfer current range. Fillet welds have a mitre profile and root runsagainst ceramic backing leave a smooth bead without risk of slag entrapment. The wire runs with avery stable, spatter-free arc, even under dip transfer conditions at welding currents as low as 50 A.Elgacore MXA 55T is highly suitable for offshore construction. Elgacore MXA 55T is CTOD testedWelding positions:Welding current:DC+Deposition efficiency:96%Shielding gas:M21, 80% Ar + 20% CO2, 22-25 l/minStick-out:15-25 mmChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Re: 500 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 580 MPaElongation, A5 29%Impact energy, CV:–60°C•55 JHydrogen content / 100 g weld metal≤ 5 mlApprovals:DNVLRABSBVCERecommended parameter range:Deposition rate per hour:Product data: 1,2 95662012 15 kg D3001,2 95662112 5 kg D200Page 115
113Classification:AWS A5.29 E101T1-GMEN ISO 18276-A T 62 5 Mn1NiMo P M 2 H5Description:Elgacore DWA-65Ni1Mo is a high strength rutile flux cored wire for all position use with an Ar/CO2gas shield. It deposits a 0,9%Ni - 0,5%Mo alloyed weld metal that conforms to NACE MR0175 incombination with excellent fracture toughness down to -50°C.Applications:Elgacore DWA-65Ni1Mo is primarily intended for structural-, offshore constructions andcircumferential pipe welding.Welding positions:Welding current:DC+Deposition efficiency:87%Shielding gas:M21, 80% Ar + 20% CO2, 22-25 l/minStick-out:15-20mmMechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Rp0.2%: 663 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 739 MPaElongation, A5 21%Impact energy, CV:–40°C•87 J–50°C•72 J–60°C•60 JHydrogen content / 100 g weld metal≤ 5 mlApprovals:N/ARecommended parameter range:Deposition rate per hour:Product data: 1,2 95532012 15 kg D300Page 116
114Classification:AWS A5.29 E111T1-GM-H4EN ISO 18276-A T 69 4 Z P M 2 H5Description:Elgacore R690 is a all-positional rutile flux cored wire suitable for welding high-strength low-alloysteels with aminimum yield strength of 700 MPa. The wire operates with a stable arc to produce goodweld bead apearance, easy slag removal and excellent fracture toughness at temperatures down to–40°C.Applications:Jack-up rigs, truck chassis, cranes, earthmoving machines, extended excavator booms, bridges,flood gates and penstocks.Welding positions:Welding current:DC+Deposition efficiency:87%Shielding gas:M21, 80% Ar + 20% CO2, 22-25 l/minStick-out:15-25 mmMechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Rp0.2%: 764Tensile Strength, Rm: 813Elongation, A5 21Impact energy, CV:–40°C•90 JHydrogen content / 100 g weld metal≤ 5 mlApprovals:Recommended parameter range:Deposition rate per hour:Product data: 1,2 95542012 15 kg BS300Page 117
115Classification:AWS A5.28 E110C-G-H4EN ISO 18276 T 69 6 Mn2,5Ni M M 3 H5Description:Elgacore M690 is a metal cored wire suitable for welding high-strength low-alloy steels with aminimum yield strength of 700 MPa. It operates with Ar/CO2 shielding gas, and produces a stablearc with the typical deep and wide penetration that is found on metal cored products. The wire isCTOD tested.Applications:Jack-up rigs, truck chassis, cranes, earthmoving machines, extended excavator booms, bridges,flood gates and penstocks.Welding positions:Welding current:DC+Deposition efficiency:95%Shielding gas:M21, 80% Ar + 20% CO2, 22-25 l/minStick-out:15-25 mmMechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Rp0.2%: 720 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 791 MPaElongation, A5 24%Impact energy, CV:–60°C•121 JHydrogen content / 100 g weld metal≤ 5 mlApprovals:Recommended parameter range:Deposition rate per hour:Product data: 1,2 95682012 15 kg BS300Page 118
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117117Cromacore DW 308L ......................................118Cromacore DW 308LP ....................................119Cromacore DW 347 ........................................120Cromacore DW 316L ......................................121Cromacore DW 316LP ....................................122Cromacore DW 309L ......................................123Cromacore DW 309MoL .................................124Cromacore DW 309LP ....................................125Cromacore DW 309MoLP ...............................126Cromarod DW 309LNb ....................................127Cromarod LDX P ............................................. 128Cromacore DW 329A Duplex ..........................129Cromacore DW 329AP Duplex ........................130Cromacore 2507 .............................................131Cromarod 625 P ..............................................132Cored wires for welding of stainlesssteelsPage 120
118Classification:AWS A5.22 E 308LT0-4/-1EN ISO 17633-A T 19 9 L R M/C 3Description:Cromacore DW 308L is a rutile flux cored wire designed for welding the 18% Cr / 10% Ni typestainless steels. Suitable also for stabilised grades 347 and 321 if service temperature is below400°C. The wire operates with a very stable, spatter free arc producing a bright, smooth weld beadsurface and self-releasing slag. Cromacore DW 308L is used mainly for downhand andhorizontal-vertical welding and is ideal for standing fillets.Welding positions:Welding current:DC+Deposition efficiency:87%Shielding gas:M21, 80% Ar + 20% CO2, 22-25 l/minC1, 100% CO2, 22-25 l/minStick-out:15-25 mmChemical composition, wt.%Mechanical propertiesTypicalYield strength, Rp0.2%: 400 MPaTensile Strength, Rm: 570 MPaElongation, A5 42%Impact energy, <